Wish lists

I have been buying my tools for years and still don't have everything I want. But once you have a lathe you can make a lot of what you want it's just going to cost time. I buy almost all my tools used and try to buy when the price is right not when I want it. I bought a drill press, bandsaw, lathe and belt sander all for less then 300$ that was for all of them and the lathe was 200 and i paid too much for it because i was in a hurry. I wait till I find a good tool that's cheap it's usually ugly and may need a little work but everything works well when I get it. Flea markets and craigslist are good places to look. I have been using a little craftsman 109 which is little more then a toy but if I take the time I can do good work on it. Its a trade off if you can't pay a lot of money you just need to spend more time
I was just going to add that i actually like hunting down all the stuff I buy and I love old tools so the only real way to get them is to look. Plus this is a hobby and I have found that I'm more interested in making more tools with the stuff I do have. If I could buy all the new tools I wanted I'd be lost and more then likely use my stuff less often. I'm building a shaper now and I'm already getting ideas to make a mini milling machine. Look into the gingery books there's plans for some of the stuff you want
bosephus I have all retro stuff. A lot of times it can be had for cheap and with a little fixing you can have a whole shop. There's a large flea market right down the road from you . I don't know what they have now days but I bought tons of tooling there. I never go looking for a certain item, I seem to pass stuff up if I have a one track mindset. On my wish list are dro's to get all my antiques up to date
Chuck in orlando .. that is a great offer . And i think i will take you up on it ... but no hurry my lathe is boxed up an going back to grizzly .
So im twiddling thumbs for a few weeks .


By god you must mean the rogers sale .. i go to both the machinery auction and the friday flea market .
Most weeks you would be amazed at what you can find there ... some very cheap some over priced .
But the last few weeks the venders have not been there .. maybe 30% of normal
A few weeks ago homeland security raided the place for conterfit merchendise and hauled of two truckloads of stuff and harased a few leget venders and quite a few of the normal venders have not been back .
I feel rich .... i found $40.65 in my paypal acount that i had forgotten about ... i have only used it a few times .. and not for at least 6 months .
I think i am going to cruise ebay and chisel away at my wish list
Building a tool collection and a shop full of equipment is like life, it is a journey not the destination. Nothing bothers me more than when someone walks into my shop and makes a statement like " boy, how would it be to have this"..

I still have the little gray Craftsman hand held tool box I bought at 17 for $10 at Sears because the lid was whacked a bit. It's still whacked a bit. And the SK socket set my grandmother bought for me when I was 16. That would be 42 years in the rear view LOL. I maybe push a little harder these days for some things (like that 12x36) because I can see a time where I might not have the flexibility to make those purchases. The hope is that IF there is such a thing as retirement that I'll have paid for resources that will keep me busy and maybe buy us coffee and breakfast at the truck stop once in a while. Never "jealous" of what others may have. More happy for them than anything. Got my own targets to think about. The worst part about seeing someone's cool equipment is what they do with it, then I get that "I bet I can do that too" thing going on. And the wife is "You want a WHAT and it's costs WHAAAT?" Always remember to be thankful for what you have. New things coming in are extra blessings.

>I think i am going to cruise ebay and chisel away at my wish list
And that's how it's done. One bite at a time. Most days it's beans, but once in a while you get steak.