Wish me luck - first move about to go


H-M Supporter - Silver Member
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
Jun 20, 2022
After looking for months I finally got fed up and jumped. Not the best machine, and way, way bigger than I feel comfortable putting in my basement. I should say first Heavy move. I put a Logan 9b down there easily enough. This is way heavier, and way more tippy.

_Hopefully_ this turns out to be a better machine than going with the LMS Hi torque mini I thought about ordering. It was many hundreds cheaper than the LMS all in.


If I don't come back it's caused I died doing this with 2 guys and a hand truck. The base isn't bad. Head feels like 250 lbs maybe. I think my buddy who's coming has a lift cart......

Specs. I think this is the DM25....perhaps a RF25 clone? The table is only 22" so idk if these are even right.

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You’ll be fine, just take it slow and think each move through.

Looks like an RF30 from here.
No one got hurt, and it went extremely smooth. This is going to sound sketchy as heck, but it worked like a charm.

Backed my truck up to the curb, parked cross ways in the street. Between the curb and rise we had less than 2' drop to the grass.

Took 2 pieces of 1/2" plywood which I had laying around stacked on top of one another, and made a ramp (they were already ripped to 2' wide so easy to reach across). Staked it in the grass at the end so it couldn't slide off. Propped it up in the middle with a BBQ propane tank (empty!). One guy on one side holding the column, one guy on the other. Used a moving blanket to protect the head lift stud, and so it would slide down the ramp.

Zero drama. Then we just lowered the head and strapped it to a hand cart, it went right in the basement without any problems.

Now I have to build a stand, and design a lifting point in my floor joists to hoist it up with. That's a job for another day.