Yoo Tubers

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Jim F

Sep 24, 2020
They sure get snippy when you point out their lack of safety protocols.
Winky left the chuck key in the chuck multiple times and tells me to get a life, or help.......

admin edit: I went through all Winky's videos since this post and didn't see him leave the chuck key in once - a few times he took the hands off, but he put them right back on, because it was the chuck he was working on.
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just wait till it flys out he will not do that again but learning the easy way is better than learning the hard way.
Unless it was seen as an apprentice situation I’ve never been able to influence somebody else to not do stupid stuff. And that’s live, face to face. So when I see somebody on U2oob being unsafe I don’t think about commenting, I note it and think this person has just slipped down the scale of worthwhile info to probably worthless. I usually stop watching right there and move on. They take a bigger hit in their metrics that way than leaving a negative comment. i see this more and more and don’t know if this is the trend because any joe Schmo can have a channel and they don’t know better or it’s a way to get more attention. Either way they don’t get my attention $$’s because I don’t care if they are too stupid or pig headed to be safe.
I don't see why there needs to be such a harsh attitude.
Each person decides on their own just how safe they want to be.
Personally I know the chuck key doesn't belong in the chuck, I've sent it flying once and I have it clear in my memory still.
Do I always remove the chuck key? No, because sometimes I forget or am absent minded.
I like winkys videos, every now and then he has some content I like, that doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to follow every single thing he does(like leaving chuck keys etc).

I guess my point is, if you're on youtube to learn professional etiquette, you're in the wrong place.

Granted, if it is as you said, maybe the situation could've been handled more gracefully.
But at the end of the day we're all just humans and we all make mistakes.
Really guys?

I very much appreciate reasonable precautions - I've got more fire suppression equipment and PPE than is probably necessary - but that's for me. The basic premise of a safety precaution is that its lack might lead to an accident - I said might.

The inverse is also true - if you want to do something, anything really, there is an unavoidable risk involved. In the service I was an MR - that's goobermint speak for "Machinist" that is also a "Fireman's Rating", and to qualify I had to complete some engineering stuff. I've also served as a "Safety Officer" in some other capacities. Got some certs and whatnot - so, pardon the posture - I'm what's called an "expert".

If it's my job, ON THE JOB, sure, I'll make a comment; the rest of the time it is none of my business.

This does not qualify me to act as an unsolicited nanny demanding that all the world fit my idea of "safety" (which is an impossibility) - and I don't use it as a reason to try and mess with someone's algorithm stats.

That's pretty messed up.

You realize that there are a lot of people who consider ALL hobby machining to be an "unnecessary safety risk" (It uses SOLVENTS!?!?!) and would rather see it banned on that basis - right?

If someone asks for my suggestions around "safety", I might share what I've got. Still doesn't make me their dad.

On a crab boat, the Dirty Jobs guys looks incredulously at the captain and says "Um, OSHA?"; captain shakes his head and points overboard: "OCEAN."

Some youtuber leaves his key in the chuck? What business is that of yours?
Someone might see it and copy him? What business is that of yours?

Hobby Machinist is supposed to be for friendly machinists - rather than safety commanders who try to get YouTube to shadow-ban content that they deem "unsafe". Seriously - what the heck man? That's pretty control freak.

But, what business is this of mine?

You run your shop the way you want it run, I'll do the same. If we both have all our fingers when we die, neither of us is the worse.

But that's none of my business.
Yup, this is why I don’t go there. Because everybody is supposed to make their own decision so it’s seen as extreme to ask them not to do something. Never mind it’s not usually the operator who gets hurt, it’s a bystander/co worker. And I can hear the retort of I’m the only one in the shop, as am I. Even more reason to be safe as there’s nobody around to save me or help me if I get hurt. Whatever.
OK ... I agree that what practices the various tubers follow is their own business. But if I cringe in horror, that's my business. Shucks ... I like and admire Adam Savage, but watching him at the lathe or mill sometimes makes me wonder how he survived this long.
OK ... I agree that what practices the various tubers follow is their own business. But if I cringe in horror, that's my business. Shucks ... I like and admire Adam Savage, but watching him at the lathe or mill sometimes makes me wonder how he survived this long.
Fair enough :)
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I don't see why there needs to be such a harsh attitude.
Each person decides on their own just how safe they want to be.
Personally I know the chuck key doesn't belong in the chuck, I've sent it flying once and I have it clear in my memory still.
Do I always remove the chuck key? No, because sometimes I forget or am absent minded.
I like winkys videos, every now and then he has some content I like, that doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to follow every single thing he does(like leaving chuck keys etc).

I guess my point is, if you're on youtube to learn professional etiquette, you're in the wrong place.

Granted, if it is as you said, maybe the situation could've been handled more gracefully.
But at the end of the day we're all just humans and we all make mistakes.

I agree! And thanks for your support. Yes I screw up and yes I have even left the key in the chuck. He claims I was in violation of this offence in the video which I was not. This is kind of incredible really. I very seldom follow this website (although I should more). I am Winky and Jim seems to be the gift that keep on giving. I blocked him on facebook and now I get a notification in email that he posted his frustration here. I guess he wasn't finished with is safety nazi harassment. Like you said, everyone screws up, we are all humans. I guess what really bothers me is that, weather I was right or wrong, there are people out there that get some kind of perverse satisfaction in finding fault in other. I prefer to see the positive side of people... so far I have not seen this from Jim.
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