Lets See Your Shop!

dude, this is a sick shop you have... plus lots of toys too. I like all the cabinets above the benches too, I'm going to do that same thing soon hopefully. Floor space is prime realestate as you know lol

Thanks. I will post up some more pictures once my new equipment shows up. I have also re-arranged almost the entire north side to make ready for the new lathe and mill arrival.

Shop Envy!

I gotta admit, when I see some of the shops you guys have...I kinda hate ya...:angry:in a non-violent friendly kinda way. :noidea: This hurts more since I recently went from 900sq ft to 216sq ft.

How the mighty (in my own mind):think1: have fallen!

Nice shop photos all y'all. :allgood:
Bill, wifey wants to know if you also work, in your shop, or if you spend all your time keeping it clean and tidy

LMAO@Marco. Tell yer wifey that my machine shop is in the basement and my wifey insists I keep the chips cleaned up after every job as she's gone ballistic (more than once) about stepping on swarf that I dragged up to the kitchen or family room on my socks. So to keep peace in the family ... not to mention supper on the table, I comply. For the most part. Cheers, Bill
Nice. Two lathes? Two Lathes!:nono: How can a man have two lathes.:noidea: Now I am jealous!:greenwithenvy: