[How-To] Need a Backgear for a HERLESS, Shun Shin SSB-15BS Metal Lathe made in Taiwan,

On the Groups.io 12x36importlathe forum there's a member Tom Lahey, that's parting out 12x36 lathe. From the limited pictures he's posted it appears to be a geared head version. Not sure if there's interchangeability between the Geared Head and Belt version. But he might be a possible option......

I gave up on replacing or repairing the back gear.

Instead I got a 20WATT Motor speed controller, with it and by moving the drive motor to its lower drive pulley (it came with two speeds) I am able to drop my spindle speed to near as slow as it spun with the back gear and then dial in down just a little bit with the electronic speed controller.

Spinning just the chuck looks good, how well it will run under a working load I do not know but hope it will get it done.

There are few jobs that I needed the back gear for, as 90% of my work it at its highest speeds.
