Noga Question

After reading about how great Noga indicator holders are I decided to get one . Is there a trick to the fine adjustment , didn't come with any directions, screwing the knob in or out dosn't change anything on the indicator clamp holder, there is a red button that dosn't do anything eather. Did I get a defective one ?.
Took the knob out , there is what looks like a ball bearing down there , I can manually pull the end down but the knob dosn't do it.
Any advice ?.

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That knob above the red dot needs to be screwed in far enough to engage the lever. I suspect you haven't got it in far enough!
Knob ran out of threats and it was sh#%t new one is all good.
;) Threats? or Threads? And sorry, I saw other posts and then your solution later. Yep, sounds like a quality control problem! I sure do like mine better than the cheap import ones I have that are so shaky they certainly can't handle a .0001 dial test indicator.