Hitachi WJ200-004MF Inverter woes


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Oct 14, 2014
I bought the subject inverter on ebay cause I'm a cheap skate.

Hooked it up 110 VAC and a small baldor carbide grinder. Would not start with RUN button :(

Looked at params and found A002 set to 01 control terminal. This is NOT the default setting.

Put two wires on L and 1. When closed it gives a run light but does not run. I checked base and max run frequencies are all set to 60 Hz.

Note: there is a red LED lit down deep inside the inverter - see pic.

I am stumped and frustrated enough to give myself a time out.

What to try next???

<EDIT> minor error in pics - I meant to show run light going on/off. Both pics show it on. The light does go out with open between L and 1


VFD run.jpg
The display reads the frequency so in order for it to have output, you need to get it to show something other than 0.00
At least that's where I would start if I were looking at it...
I see it has a USB interface- check the manual and see if that can be used to program it, that would be easier than poking thru the settings
one by one with the front panel display
There may be a software you can download to talk to it with a PC or laptop
I also see it says 100 volts- maybe a Japan model? Could that be an issue with USA power? Just wondering
The models are 100V which should work off of 100-120V and 200V which should work off of 200-240V. I would do a factory reset (B084 = 04) to put the inverter back to the default values as it could be that the input terminals are programmed for 3 wire or something else.

Then go back and change A002 = 01
check that:
C001 = 00 (FW:FORWARD Run/Stop)
C002 = 01 (RV:Reverse Run/Stop)

OK, did a reset as described.

console now brings in RUN light but "0" HZ no motor running.

changed A002 = 01

now contacts bring in RUN light but "0" HZ no motor running

looked for C001 and C002 => do not come up on display but C021 and C022 do.

changed C21 from 01 to 00

changed C22 from 00 to 01

now contacts bring in RUN light but "0" HZ no motor running
OK, I happen to have a second identical VFD. New from vendor.

I installed it and "run" on console brings in run light at "0" Hz just like first VFD.
You need to access the programming for the control inputs to see how they are configured. You first need to allow access to these functions unless you download the Hitachi software and access the programming with a computer:

1. Change B037 to "00" for full display of all functions. You must press both the up and down arrows to access single-digit edit mode since this feature is not accessible in the default basic display. You must change B037 before you can change B031.

2. Change B031 to "10". This unlocks all the high-level program functions for editing. Then make the following program changes that are highlighted.

You would need to set the basic VFD and motor parameters, you might try to use an external speed pot and if so set A001 = 01 (control terminal for frequency source).
It's one of the issues I have with Hitachi SJ200, it shows zero HZ until it has the run command, and there's a signal either from an external DC input or what I don't see is the speed pot on the front panel.
My other brands show what the Hz command signal is when in the stop condition.
Life got in the way so I am back to this after a long recess

Installed a speed pot and a forward/reverse pot per manual. See pic

Set A001 =00 from 01 . Run from console turns on run light at 0 HZ. no motor run

Check voltage at "O" got up to +6V. NOTE I used a 5K pot, manual suggests 2K.

set A002=01 from 02

Both F and R switch bring in Run light but 0 Hz.

Set B37 to 00 from 04

Set B31 to 10 from 01

Now can read C01 is 00 => made no change

c02 is 01 => made no change

OK frustrated enough for now. what should i do next?

inverter with pot and switch.jpg