Just Ordered Collets

Charley Davidson

Active User
Nov 8, 2011
just ordered from CDCO an 18 piece 5C collet set, A collet chuck & 2 backing plates, one of the plates I'm gonna mount my 3 jaw chuck to it so I can true it up. All of it $285.00 shipped. Should have it Monday.
just ordered from CDCO an 18 piece 5C collet set, A collet chuck & 2 backing plates........................


The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Just ordering more tools is not a cure!

Stop, any time you want!

Famous last words from a toolaholic (':yikes:')
Charley,,, Im sure you found out long ago. Once you enter this machining thing,
you can (NEVER) Leave..(':biggrin:')
I'm kinda the same way. I saw they had some things on sale that I really didn't need ASAP, but ordered anyway. I've never ordered from CDCO - are they a pretty reputable and reliable source for tooling, etc.?
The price of that 5C collet chuck from them is intriguing, please do a in-depth review of it when you receive/use it please.
I bought a 18 piece collet set a few months back (Shars). That gave me sizes from 1/16 to 1-1/8. Now I want to get the x/32 sizes. Nobody seems to offer a "fill in" set that doesn't include the 16th's. Buying them piecemeal is a PITA (add to cart, add to cart, add to cart, oops already added that size - ad infinitum). Plus, one would expect a better price on a set than as individual collets.

Machine tool vendors: take notice!

I'm kinda the same way. I saw they had some things on sale that I really didn't need ASAP, but ordered anyway.
I our collective defense, I stopped counting the times I did that and a couple of years down the road it saved me considerable grief that I had the "thing".

Not a rational justification, I know, but that's typical of addicts :halo:
Kinda like condoms & guns, better to have them and not ned them than to need them and not have them :lmao::thinking: