I've been getting into Youtube lately .


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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2016
Joined up finally . Never knew just how much was on there . :) I guess all this stuff isn't classified any longer , but this launcher was the last prototype I worked on before leaving AAI . We designed many drones over the years , Pioneer , Shadow , etc along with different launch and recovery systems . That accumulator system on the trailer was designed and built from paper napkin prints in 1999 . That gimble for the FLIR camera system is 15-5 SS with carbon fiber layed over on it . I posted a thread years back on that job . I made 10 of those on the Makino cnc lathe a Lagun FTV 3 mill . That chunk weighed in at over 125 lbs when starting , and finished up at 4 lbs . They then shipped it out to productionon the Matsuura cnc mills .

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This is 1/4 mile from my property . I actually liked and subscribed to his channel . Hard to believe I can see my neighbors from 368 miles away ! :cool:
We cut the cord yrs ago. YT is my main form of TV entertainment, I watch various YT shows as well as lots of machining, automotive, & maker related stuff. Much better than the crap that played on cable TV. Then again there's a lot of crap on YT too but at least I get the choice of not having to watch none of it. Great cause it's on demand (watch whenever I want) & no commercials/ads. I use a 3rd party YT TV app on my Fire TV to watch on my TV.

Only streaming service I pay for is Motor Trend On Demand. I also have Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, & Netflix but I'm not paying for those subscriptions.
I'm looking for a video of my buddy sinking a RPV boat in the Potomac River years back . They may not have published that . ;):grin: They were some fun days back then . I'm starting to dislike cable myself , more commercials than content , and the $$$ keeps rising .
and the $$$ keeps rising

That's why we cut the cable. When Spectrum took over Time Warner they raised the prices. They don't care if you've been a long time customer, no discount for you but for new subscribers yes. We cut their landline phone service too & switched to something else, only kept the cable internet.
Believe me , if I had my way , I'd cut everything ! ( along with everything else ) :big grin: I do like the weather channel though , it puts me to sleep in a minute or less . :laughing:
No cable here. I would do a write up on my last phone call with Comcast/Xfinity but I'd have to ban myself from the site for foul language.

But I did say something along the lines of - "if I could use a technology starting tomorrow to sink the Sith Lords running your terrible exploitive dark side marketing company I would do it without hesitation."

The sad part is that II think Comcast owns or at least has a large stake in some of the big names.
I haven't had cable since the early 90's. I also love YT for the most part but some of the channels now have as many commercials as cable :( When we moved over here the only net was Comcast and I hadn't been on cable for so long and they had a couple of months free so why not. Soon as the deal was over I went to just cable net and they kept hounding me. So after getting a tech issue squared away they asked me why I don't have tv and I said because it's million channels of nothing and 70% ads. And it was almost 2x more than they quoted me! They said the cost over run was all "surcharges" (want to make you blood boil look into that!) and I could go with ad free tv, but you have to pay for it! No thanks. Of course now Google seems poised to completely screw up YT so maybe the content providers will unionize and get some leverage or maybe find a way to "disrupt" YT's strangle hold. Living the Chinese curse big time!
We cut the cable TV cord in 2001, mostly to save money, but also because we didn't watch much. Of course, the cable people keep increasing the cost of internet access, which is now more than what we originally paid for both.