Need some ideas, please...


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 28, 2016
FedEx delivery drivers can't seem to find my house... UPS has no problems, it's just FedEx, and occasionally Amazon that can't seem to locate my driveway...

My mailbox is next to the mailbox for the house across the street... My neighbor is always getting my packages, I'm always getting his... that's not a big issue, but lately FedEx seems to just be throwing packages out wherever. Last week they dumped a box on the side of the road under my mailbox. We've had our packages delivered 4 houses down the road... we have received 6 or 8 packages that were sent to a young lady who lives almost a mile away...

I'm considering putting my house number at the end of the driveway in large numbers to see if that helps... but I'm looking for ideas on how to do it... I considered maybe a steel sculpture of some sort, but with a metal recycling facility 2 miles away, I doubt it would stay long without anchoring it in concrete...

I need something that is fairly nice looking, but easy to see...

Although... I doubt 6 foot tall bright orange numbers would really eliminate the problem, I really don't think these FedEx contractors care...

Any ideas?

Thanks- Bear
I feel your pain Bear. I think all the mail people have been working harder than usual since Covid hit. But FedEx is it’s own weird thing. Like you said USPS and UPS are fine. My weird problem with FedEx is they are delivering appliance parts to me. And they, nor the appliance parts house know what the deal is. It’s my name and address, but no invoice inside. I’m not being billed, no record of me or ding the parts and they seem random. First was a Whirlpool plastic part, then a big bellows for a washer drum. Like I saw on a secretary’s desk one time “To er is human, but it takes a computer to totally mess it up”.
I think every darn delivery truck in Md. stops by the house daily with all the kids being home . No kidding . At LEAST 10 packages a day arrive at the door and they all stay ! Of course , I'm the one in charge of getting rid of the cardboard which stacks up on the back patio . :rolleyes: I'll spend 2 hours of my time today to break it all down and load it into the fire pit and light 'er up . Of course to follow . :cussing::grin:

But yes , the numbers will help with not only deliveries but also for 911 calls . I believe they are mandatory in my neck of the woods .
This wouldn’t work for everyone obviously, but this is a small town and since I’m around the shop/home most days, I know nearly all the drivers for UPS and FedEx, and the USPS comes on foot, so we are well acquainted. In fact the other day I was away when a case of wine was delivered, needed a signature, so the FedEx driver called my cell phone for authorization to leave it.
The UPS guy usually takes a few minutes to come in the shop and talk about his pending retirement and how he is going to do the same setup.
These guys work hard, extra hard these days.
We receive a lot of packages too. Fedex seems to be a little more scattered than UPS, both here, and in rural Georgia when we lived there. My gut is FedEx does better in the bigger cities, not so much in rural locations. I will select UPS shipping over FedEx if there is a choice.

I'm just thankful to no longer have the situation we had in Georgia. We were in rural community, rural county. But the little unincorporated community we lived near had a post office, and deliver in that community was PO Box only, no local mail service. The problem with that was you had a mailing address (PO Box ...) and a street address that were completely different. Some online vendors like Amazon don't give you a choice OR an indication of how they will ship it. If you used a PO Box address, FedEx/UPS would reject it, and a street address the post office would return it as undeliverable. And some things (like a cell phone) they would refuse to ship if your billing address (PO Box) didn't match the FedEx delivery address (street address). What a mess!!! Oh, and there was another street of the same name in the county, in the town of the county seat.

The address on the drivers license, and on the FAA pilot's license, was another complete mess because of the above.
Deliveries not a problem here All the drivers has GPS and the nearest dwelling to us is almost a half mile away. GPS will get you to within seventy feet so they always find us. Our township has metal signs with 3" high white house numbers on a red background above the mail box. They can't miss it. And since everyone in the township has them, they are standardized so drivers know what to look for.
Our township requires house numbers also for 911 either on the house if it can be easily to be seen from the street or numbers on a post by the driveway
FedEx delivery drivers can't seem to find my house... UPS has no problems, it's just FedEx, and occasionally Amazon that can't seem to locate my driveway...
I have had the same problem with FedEx. My driveway is well marked in two places with 4'' high white letters on a black background, both the name and address, very easy to read at a distance. USPS, UPS, and Amazon seem to have no trouble finding the place. We have the best marked driveway on the road. I can't increase the size of the address placards or add any more without interfering with the sight down the road when exiting the driveway.

We lost almost $1000 of hardware one time because FedEx dumped the packages at the neighbors shop access gate next to the road, about 150 feet East of our driveway and some porch pirate snapped up the packages. Guess who wound up eating that cost. :mad:

Where possible we specify ''Adult Signature Required'' if that is an option. There is someone on the property 24/7 so getting a signature is not a problem.
A classy way to do this would be to set a natural stone monolith near the end of the driveway with the individual house numbers set into it. The numbers could be cut from faitly heavy guage plate and studs welded to their backs. Drill sockets in the stone and set the numbers in with epoxy. This should be enough to deter all but the most persistent vandal and the individual numbers wouldn't be heavy enough to be worth their salvage value. The numbers could be cut out with a CNC water jet or laser. There are a number of forum members with this capability.