Toolpost indicator holders


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 21, 2020
Been wanting to make a pair of tool post holders for dial indicators for a while. Finally nabbed a pair of identical long travel indicators on ebay, and got to it this morning. Did all of the operations I could while it was still a vice friendly square, and then split them apart to make the slit for the pinch screw. Also had to add a relief to the Z axis holder to clear the locking thumb screw. I really hate dicking around with a mag base indicator, and hopefully this will cut down on that when doing basic stuff like dialing in a part on a 4-jaw, etc......
I like your idea, using the Aloris type toolholder. Could you have made just one and reverse the indicator for the 'other' position?
I like your idea, using the Aloris type toolholder. Could you have made just one and reverse the indicator for the 'other' position?
Certainly could have, but it was much simpler working with a square blank, and didn't add much time making a pair. I wanted the convenience of simply plopping them down on the BXA ready to go.
do you have enough material there to eliminate the tool holders, and put a dovetail in your new holders?
it will save you two tool holders. Considering redoing mine.
I'd considered doing that, but I like having the additional adjustment in and out, if needed. Also, the tool holders are cheap Chinese knockoffs, so nothing lost there. Not much more than ten bucks each.
I'd considered doing that, but I like having the additional adjustment in and out, if needed. Also, the tool holders are cheap Chinese knockoffs, so nothing lost there. Not much more than ten bucks each.
that's what you think... the Chineese toolholders are now almost twice the price.
Yea, I hear ya. I had a big thing and had to move my mount further back in the holder. it's rare though.
wow, I went looking for that deal.. I could use more holdlers... were they a special pricing?
I just bought this 4 pack of Shars BXA knockoffs for $50.
My experience shars would charge you 50 bucks to SHIP 4 bxa tool holders. They’re shipping is ridiculous. Cheapest I see is 18.99 a pc. anywhere.