Has anyone bought any of the Mr Pete training videos? Separate videos from his Youtube stuff


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H-M Platinum Supporter
Nov 14, 2016
Tubalcain / Mr Pete 222 has a series of training videos which are separate from his youtube videos. He is often mentioned for his youtube channel, but I can't recall seeing any discussion of these videos and a search is backing me up on that.

These are apparently more structured and formal than his generally project based youtube videos.

He is offering a sale through November (he puts them on sale often), so I was considering getting one of them. They are not cheap but the money goes to somebody who has put a lot of effort into the hobby, and they do look pretty in depth. I was just hoping to hear from somebody who had taken the plunge on one to sway me.

He does not explicitly say so but I assume he follows the curriculum he used when teaching in a class room setting.

Screen shot of the contents of the South Bend lathe video (from an earlier Christmas 2021 sale).

Southbend lathe.jpg
Ok, so I guess my search results were accurate, I'll be going in blind. :sharkattack:
I'm curious about them but was reluctant to spend that amount of cash!
I'm curious about them but was reluctant to spend that amount of cash!

If it wasn't Mr Pete I probably wouldn't do it, but even if the videos aren't worth a nickel I've easily gotten a the price of a video out of his free ones. I have lots of books, but I like the idea of the step by step in the videos to help catch info I may have glossed over as I've bumbled my way through learning.

Still debating, but if I take the plunge I'll post a review here.
We bought his course on the Logan lathes a couple of years ago. Very well done and while we learned a fair amount still need to review individual sections prior to doing any work with our Logan 825
We bought his course on the Logan lathes a couple of years ago. Very well done and while we learned a fair amount still need to review individual sections prior to doing any work with our Logan 825

Thank you
I thought I heard him say in one video that when he dies he wants his family to release all those videos on YouTube free for anyone.

Hopefully that is still off a ways, he seems pretty spry for an old guy. :)
I would have bought those if they weren’t quite so expensive, although I am sure they are worth every penny priced as they are.

I was also afraid that half of them might be videos that are already on his channel.
Maybe someone could arrange a group buy for the forum? Connect with him and at least introduce him to this forum.

Maybe trade a membership for a discount?

Would be nice to have him as a member/contributor too!