Tool needs ? Is there anyone on here that needs tools ? Mics , verniers etc

Someone on here wants the 1-2" Mit greenies . I have the full set from 0-6'" and waiting on him .

And yes . The elderly machinists like the travel dials for their simplicity and lack of error . Not up to the digital world standard , but once its calibrated , it's on . No need to call a electronic technician and they bring a good price .
My newbness undoubtedly will show here. Do you have a 0 - 12" Vernier caliper that reads to the tenth (0.0001)?
Brockwood , they don't exist .
Someone on here wants the 1-2" Mit greenies . I have the full set from 0-6'" and waiting on him.

I still want the 1-2, but this is a friendly forum so if someone is genuinely interested in the full set I think its only fair that they get first dibs. Otherwise, let me know how you want to handle payment, shipping, etc

Trav-a-dials do skip. The surface that They ride on must be kept clean so no chips or dust will stick and gum up the works, also clean the felt that covers the gap up. Don't ask how I learned this priceless bit of information.
Trav-a-dials do skip. The surface that They ride on must be kept clean so no chips or dust will stick and gum up the works, also clean the felt that covers the gap up. Don't ask how I learned this priceless bit of information.

That's a given on any equipment ! Keep it clean !
Well I'm just starting out so I need the basics,but since I am just starting out I don't know what I need.Dial indicators,dial calipers,reamers,parallels,V-blocks etc. 123 blocks.Guessing you will be cheaper than those prices on ebay?I do need pics,even the simplest things,you can PM me
Let me add scales,good ones since my eyes are not that good and AXA tool post and holders,CXA tool holders.Anything for LO,LOO spindle
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