Tool needs ? Is there anyone on here that needs tools ? Mics , verniers etc

I'd still like a price for a decent test indicator. 2-3" mic any standards for 1-2 and 2-3 mics? Do you happen to have any right angle plates?
OK guys , you gotta start somewhere ! I'll start listing this stuff where it belongs to keep within the sites parameters . In the for sale thread ! Give me time to put stuff on as I still have to work a day job ! :) I'll try to update as fast as I can . Thanks again HM and all .
4 Aloris CAs just went onto the onto the bay ! :encourage:
Yep . A few more .

What is in the last pic .
Starrett indicator set
Desmond diamond holder
Jacobs chuck wrench 4 sizes
mag chuck 2 sided stone
0-3 depth mics
0-1 depth mics
0-1 mics
1-2 mics
starrett height gage
starett edge fider center gage
starrett protractor
indicator base

AND FINALLY my set of green Mititoyo 0-3 mics .







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How much for the three cans of coors light?
6 cents plus $14.85 USPS flat rate shipping in a medium box . They are empty . And there will be 12 more to offer soon !
Finally I'm first in line for *something*!
Well , not really . The cans are on the Bay . :p
I can use the 0-3 depth mic and a plunge indicator (one with decent movement)