
  1. H

    Clough ELS on a Busy Bee B2227L

    Some pics & a few gotcha's. Before I did this I tore the lathe down & painted it, seemed like a good time to do it. While I had it apart I added O rings to the selector lever shaft bushing as it was starting to get dribbly there :( I went with the iSV synchro motor & the 6:1...
  2. A

    An Electronic Leadscrew Controller using a Pi Pico

    Using a Pi Pico for an Electronic Lead Screw Controller The purpose of this thread is to discuss an Electronic Leadscrew System based on the Pi Pico. There have been a number of other similar projects in various forums and on youtube channels, but as far as I know none have used the Pi Pico...
  3. Tomzo

    Need help wiring the "Clearpath killer" for Clough42 ELS - iSV57T-180

    Greetings, Inspired by James' testing of the integrated servo that cost only $100 I bought one but can't seem to figure out exactly how to wire that motor up. I realize that the enable pin will not be used, but I am not sure how to deal with the DIR + connection on the motor. I have read through...