2021 Archive

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That's about right, I did start out at .50 cents though, big yards in the neighborhood were 5 bucks, and I forget what the going rate was for babysitting when neighbors went out to party. :)
Oh, and teeth started out at a nickel, but went up to a quarter a tooth too.....:encourage:
That's about right, I did start out at .50 cents though, big yards in the neighborhood were 5 bucks, and I forget what the going rate was for babysitting when neighbors went out to party. :)
Oh, and teeth started out at a nickel, but went up to a quarter a tooth too.....:encourage:
Lol. My Dad was a great dad, but he often worked late. One time I put my tooth under the pillow, but in the morning, my tooth was still there and no shiny new dime. I complained about this that morning to my mom with my dad was sitting there ( I didn't know who was in charge, but I figured it was one of them. So, my mom says, "Don't worry honey, the tooth fairy will bring you 20 cents tomorrow night." Only my dad forgot that night too. And the next. And the next. And the next. So at a the night it would have been $3.20, I was pretty excited, and blurted out "Yeah! and tonight it will be $3.20 and if the tooth fairy forgets again, tomorrow it wll be $6.40!" At which point my Dad pulled out his wallet, handed me a five and said, "Let's just call it even."
I remember getting $0.25 a week, was excited when it went up to $0.50. I asked one time if I could get a raise, and my dad promptly replied, "Are you going to pay rent?", I dropped the subject.

Same with mowing, we lived outside of town and most yards were pretty big. Add to that, the amount of rain we got on the Oregon Coast and the grass would grow very fast and was always wet. I told my dad that I was going to start mowing other peoples lawns. My dad owned a very small grocery store, he asked me where I was going to get the mower. I kind of looked at him funny and said I was going to use ours. His response was, you mean my mower. He told me if I was going to go into business I need to act like a business man. He said he would rent me the lawn mower. We settled on a price and I went to mowing lawns in the neighborhood at $5.00 per yard, some times I got $7.00. Each month I would make my rent payment to my dad. One month I didn't and he asked where the rent was. I told him that I had not used his mower and had purchased my own at the auction house that was close by with the money I had made from mowing.
What's an allowance? In my early years, I survived financially on gifts of money from relatives for birthdays and Christmas. Somewhere around age 10, my Dad decided to supplement the family income by planting a 1/2 to 3/4 acres of green beans which would be picked and sold to a local cannery for 1/2 to 7 cents/lb. All summer, we would hoe and weed those beans and at the end, we would get 1/2 of the sales proceeds. They were enough to buy camping gear, including a tent, and my first bicycle from Montgomery Wards.

For entertainment we got to mow the half acre lawn wirh the push mower. Since this was entertainment, there was no compensation involved. We lived in a farming community so there were no other opportunities for augmenting income.
I survive off of gift money and from work I do or selling things. I don’t get any money for every week.
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