2021 POTD Thread Archive

Today i got an early start in the big garage, unbolted the intake manifold for the 206, began removing the cracked hoses, and my brother called. White elephant No:1 now is losing coolant, told him to leave it in the small garage i'll look at it on the inspection pit. Went there left the 206 for another day, and the engine is sounding awful, like a coffee grinder, went under it seen rusty water coming from the timing cover, i know its going to be a long day. Looked at the coolant and it's straight water no antifreeze, he has no idea where is the antifreeze. It leaks wore when is running so i know it's the water pump, i did send him to go and buy a new one in the No:2 freshly fixed. Its seams the two white cars are competing for attention. I began the terdown, the water pump is driven by the timing belt. removed the inteke, engine mount, accessory belt, couple of the pulleys, cover and i can see the water pump pulley is sideways and the belt is loos. Remove the belt, pump, had to restart the tensioner, and it was a mess, my brother come back with the right pump, swap it reassembled everything, new antifreeze, bleed the cooling system and its was done.
Well, i've said before those two white elephants are competing for my attention. Now No: 2 decades to leak brake fluid from the rear wheel, i have new cylinders on a shelf so no big deal, 15 min job but i can't make this stuff up, just as i hit the brake drum with a hummer to separate it. It exploded, not broken but under pressure released lots of brake fluid, you can see the pan i put under it to drop, its half full. It covered me in brake fluid the two dry spot wore at my feet, can someone explain this, there is definitely more than a litre of fluid, and i'm sure there is no seal between the drum and backing plate. That black brake fluid is some nasty stuff. After a shower i did get back and change the cylinder, bleed the brakes gave it a wash with petrol and put it back together.
Had to make new tootsies for all the supports to my carport.
The numbnut who owned the place before we purchased it had plastered all the holes and corrosion over with body filler and painted them.
Neither my or the official pre purchase inspection discovered them.
I only discovered them when the corrosion pushed the filler off.
All done now and bolted to the slab.
What I was impressed with was the tiny little cheap inverter welder had no trouble with 3.2mm rods at 110 amps. Well worth the $50 US I paid.
Working on a dry box for nylon filament.. I'm hoping the peltier dehumidifier I gutted will pull down low enough. I got about 1/4 cup out of that mostly sealed box last nigh!?

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I never thought about using a Peltier unit for that! Excellent idea.
I can recall how humid the air is in Houston! Great method for dehumidification, especially in a closed contianer. But I gotta go +1 on @extropic 's question about what kind of filament, and why do you need it dry?
Nylon filament soaks up water at an alarming rate. The water in the filament spits and sputters as it comes out of the hot extruder and ruins the print. I use a food dehydrator then seal the filament roll in gallon ziplocks with a few desiccant bags in it.
Yep, that's it! Nylon loves water and foams like crazy when you print it, or so I've been told ;-)

Planning to.bake the crud out of it and put it in the dry box.

I'm running a humidity logger on the box.overnight to see where I get to. I suspect I may need a heater in the box too.

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