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He was the ultimate tractor enthusiast, his bedroom was plastered with tractor posters, his bed was adorned with a tractor bed spread, tractor toys littered the floor and tractor maintenance DVDs dominated his shelves.

Shortly after Terry's 18th birthday (where he of course had a tractor birthday cake and received numerous tractor themed gifts) Terry's life turned on it's head. An old farmer, a tractor driver and hero of Terry's stopped him in the street and said "Isn't it about time you grew up a bit lad and stopped wasting your life obsessing over tractors?" Terry had developed a thick skin over the years when it came to ignoring the haters but he knew that this man was no hater, he was a tractor lover and had Terry's best interests at heart.

After a couple of days of deep thought and soul searching Terry made his decision. The posters were ripped down, the bed spread put on ebay, the toys sent to a local charity shop. It was done. He was now a man.

Somewhat perplexed by his sudden lack of tractor entertainment options Terry decided to visit a pub for the first time. He wandered in, ordered a pint and took up residence in the corner of the pub.

Shortly after arriving Terry noticed a bit of commotion over by the bar *note this was in the days before the smoking ban*. A towel left too close to the ashtray had caught fire on a cigarette ember. Smoke rapidly began to fill the room and despite the bar staff successfully extinguishing the fire and wafting vigorously they were soon left with no option but to order everyone out of the bar.

Just as people began to leave Terry stood up. "wait" he shouted, everyone watched as he ran over to where the smoke was the thickest and took in a huge breath inhaling all the smoke! He then ran to the window, opened it and blew all the smoke outside before returning to his original seat.

"Incredible", "unbelievable", "how on earth did you do that!?" came the cries.

"Well" explained Terry "you see I'm an ex-tractor-fan"


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