A Machine That Does Nothing


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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Nov 27, 2012
Sorry if this a repost.....

A machine that does nothing, well maybe just one thing.....

I tend to have the same problem, thats exactly how my brain works! Never the less its quite brilliant...
I recently visited the Joe Martin Miniature Museum and it's really quite incredible the amount of detail and scaling that these craftsman produce. This "do-nothing" machine was just one of hundreds of pieces (I like the square gear) and I would suggest that every machinist/hobbyist make a point to visit the museum while visiting So Cal. It's better than Disneyland and it's free! They'll also give you a CD of quality pics of the museum pieces for a nominal donation of $10 or $20. I feel very fortunate to live only 30 minutes away.
I absolutely love do nothings and steam punk machines. They are just a demonstration of the ideas the oft float around in our heads until we make something to justify the idea and to get it out of your head. I have had several of those fleeting ideas and fortunately I never got one stuck yet and had to build a nothing machine just because.

Funny, I was thinking about my next project the other day and I've always wanted to build the "do nothing" open gear thingy-ma-bob in the opening intro of Lionshead Films.
Pretty sure ive got a couple of those machines in my shed.
Does a broken machine that is doing nothing count?..............It is full of gears'n'stuff.........

Cheers Phil
SEVEN years to make??? A total waste of time. And,putting together a bunch of assorted,scrounged up gears and parts is not CRAFTSMANSHIP. It is more like junk assembling. Not that I don't like junk!!:)

I have seen a few very questionable items in that museum's inventory,which show BAD workmanship. This one just is not craftsmanship. Where is the skill in making the parts? Plenty of imagination,but not craftsmanship there.

This post might sound high handed,but it is intended to be truthful. The word craftsman has the word CRAFT in it. Show me anything the maker actually made in this device. Show me the GOOD workmanship that was done. There is none. It is an assemblage of parts. A curiosity. A piece of kinetic sculpture,perhaps. But,it is not craftsmanship .

Sorry,but as a life long professional craftsman,that is my opinion.
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To you George, yes, probably a total waste of time. As far as show you one part he made himself, I'll start with that vertically mounted drive shaft. I doubt if that is from his junk box. The square gear is another not easily found in off the shelf form. I could go on but why. Is it Craftsmanship. IMHO it's iffy but I won't count it out. He built this just to say he did. To me that means a whole lot of dedication. George, you are extremely good at what you do. Probably one of the best I have ever seen, but every Craftsperson will not be you. Please read the new addition to my signature, it's quite enlightening.

"Billy G"
Bill,I don't expect everyone to reach high levels of craftsmanship,but if a place is going to call itself the "Museum of Craftsmanship" they need to raise their standards. Have you seen that model of a Japanese rifle(I think that is the one). Really quite crude.

Dedication,yes. But not craftsmanship. That is something different from dedication. Dedication is just one component of craftsmanship.
if i may humbly interject,
A real Craftsman, IMHO is any one who with their hands and minds creates value and devotes his life's work to the craft.
I believe that there is art or craft everywhere you look, even if it is just creating a machine from junk.
Even if you are not an "art" lover or can't get for example Picasso,Monet, or some other existentialist,
that doesn't mean a craftsman's hand and mind did not create it.

In the video, He made a piece of living,working art.
even the best craftsman can't make his own trees, he just changes the trees into different art forms
The Best machinist doesn't make all his tooling, but he can be a craftsman.
Have you heard the beautiful sound of a 16 cylinder Catterpillar Genset after fresh rod bearings, that is a symphony.
think of the complexity of that powerplant
to some there may be no craft or art in reassembling other's creations
beauty it seems, is in the eye of the beholder