A Machine That Does Nothing

Again you are correct George, "God" did make the tree. So the "Craftsman is recycling something into something else. Just an the man or woman did with the used parts to make that machine. Again, not your definition of a "Craftsman" but one in their own right anyway.

"Billy G"
Best not to belabor the point further. I was a professional craftsman most of my life. I have seen you do some very nice work too,Bill. And your tool and cutter grinder was craftsmanship. GOOD craftsmanship!! :)

Since matter can neither be created nor destroyed,I'd say that anything ever made was "recycled" in one way or the other. From ore,trees,etc..
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We're just funning with ya a little George. Try not to take it so seriously. It is meant to be harmless. just a play on words. Thank you for the compliment.

"Billy G"
Thank you Bill.:):):)

Craftsmanship was (and still is) my life,and I suppose I do take it seriously.
Quote"Craftsmanship was (and still is) my life,and I suppose I do take it seriously." Quote

As well you should.
You are the consummate craftsman George.
you produce value, art, and beauty.
anybody would be proud to posses any one of those traits.
I looked at this thread when it first posted but it just wasn't my cup of tea so I didn't play the video. I am interested in how it has caused discussion so I read the comments. I makes me think, is it craftsmanship? I don't know if I'm qualified to answer that so I asked my wife. Her response was "That's like throwing balloons full of paint at a canvas and calling it art." I guess it's to each his own.

I look at the things George or Billy or Will or Hawkeye or???? do and think the incredible work is beyond craftsmanship, these guys are truly artisans. They have managed to meld quality workmanship, functionality and beauty in a way that I try to emulate.

That is my goal, to become an artisan in what I do.
Little by little,

Launcher.jpg SherriesBowl.jpg
Very smooth work on that bowl,and a very nice piece of wood.
Very smooth work on that bowl,and a very nice piece of wood.
Thank you for the compliment. There's a wood turner named Mike Mahoney that always called this species Mormon Poplar. Has beautiful figure and iridescent markings. Folks from other states call it cottonwood. Came out of a horse pasture down the road a few blocks and was being cut up for firewood when I stopped and asked them if I could have one of the trunks.
