Advice for Dove tail Milling First Time


The last cutters I sharpen with the sharp corners knocked off (dull), I set them up on my T & C grinder and kiss the corners at about 45 deg. flat about .030" to .045" wide according on the dovetail cutter size. This so much easier than setting up my radius grinding attachment and trying to put a radius on the end. Ken
First you need a tool and cutter grinder...:(
Both 100% to specs.




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Both 100% to specs.

Well done Justin. :applause 2:

It's great to see you succeed. People here can assist, but it is your commitment to doing your best that gets it done right.
Keep it up! :encourage:

By the way, great thread you started.
I enjoyed it and learned too.

I don't have a t/c grinder so if I need a corner relieved I just stone them back to .015 or so. Only to keep them from breaking.

Thanks for the kind words. I actually have a floppy disk I can put right into the prototrak and it can mill me out one. I was thinking of making a few more, that way I can have one for each lathe tool I use and I'll never need to waste time setting the center again..
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