Allen Wrench Storage

What I hate is the cheesey rack that makes it quite difficult to enter the wrenches in the second hole.
I'm with you on that. You'd think as a so-called "machinist" I could fashion something suitable. Nope. Rather cuss and leave the wrench dangling.

One of these days...
You guys seem to have much better luck with Harbor Freight hex wrenches than I do. I don't own any myself but that is all one of my neighbors will buy. Every time I work on something of his the end of the wrench just rounds off and I end up having to go back and get mine. Same thing happens with their star wrenches (won't call them Torx to avoid being chastised mmcmdl and the generic "hexalobular internal" just draws blank stares :grin: )
These are hex key wrenches that are commonly called " Allen" wrenches . " Allen " is a manufacturer of such wrenches only , as is Eklind , Bondhus , Proto , SnapOn , Armstrong etc . To put the term Allen wrench onto a HF set is doing the company quite an injustice , just as saying a SnapOn / Armstrong set is not an Allen set .

But to answer the question as to how to store them , I throw them into a very large , deep Vidmar drawer and then take them to the scrap yard when drawer becomes full . :grin:
Alternatively, you could box them out and send them <ahem> North to charity ;-)
These are hex key wrenches that are commonly called " Allen" wrenches . " Allen " is a manufacturer of such wrenches only , as is Eklind , Bondhus , Proto , SnapOn , Armstrong etc . To put the term Allen wrench onto a HF set is doing the company quite an injustice , just as saying a SnapOn / Armstrong set is not an Allen set

They were.....

People tend to say that cause Allen is one of those brand names that people say instead of the actual generic name, you know like Band-Aid, Kleenex, Q-tip, Post-It, Sharpie, Sawzall, Porta-Band, etc. Allen was the creator of hex fasteners, well the first to patent it anyway.

At one time Danaher (whom you are familiar with ;)) owned Allen. It was one of the brands that was moved to the Apex Tool Group. Speaking of Armstrong, the Allen brand was killed by Apex at the same time they decided to kill the Armstrong brand. Allen was killed in favor of the Crescent brand.

Stupid Apex for killing iconic brand names! :mad:
Color coded? All they have now are the single colored ones.

HF stopped selling the color coded ones a long time ago. Tekton used to sell them too. Can still find them under various generic brand names on ebay & Amazon. They don't have very good reviews though.
I like John's hardwood idea! I was thinking of brass tube & silver solder. For now, just glad to see the 1st hole!

Also, thought to add a color matching paint daub to rarely used Al*** er Hex Headed bolts on my lathe - but haven't run across a great deal on paint pens.