Any problems/advantages using 1018 CRS vs A36 for AXA/BXA toolholders?

12L14 is a good example. The elasticity moudulus for it is FAR greater than something like 4140 or cheap 1018.
The elastic modulus is the same because .002% additional carbon or any other alloy doesn't change it. Now shear a piece of 4140 bar vs. 1018 prior to heat treating. Now through heat treat the 4140 and try again, then replace the blades on your shear, along with any other mechanical damage caused. 12L14. L=lead added to improve machinability but it doesn't change the elastic modulous of the steel bar.
Just got around to reading this,good read. Awhile back I wanted some more ca holders and had a big chunk of tractor axle. So I squared it up using a metal shaper and proceeded to make some holders by the time I bought the studs and a couple of dovetail cutters I think I could have paid the 30.00 apiece and been ahead and that's using free material
If your dovetail is just a little wide your hadle will come around to far . Did it fixed it.
Thanks ron
I used a bad example because 12L14 is essentially 1215 w/o lead. They are both rated as a "range" of E. (Elasticity Modulus, or Young's Modulus)

A better example would be Cromium-Molybdenum steels. A tiny amount of Cromium increases the E factor quite a bit, then additional larger amounts do also, but at a slower rate.
Look up the E on different materials that are used in steel alloys, and you will see where some will impact the alloys E quite a bit and others hardly at all. Not trying to argue as these tine amount impact NOBODY on here! Just wanted to state what/why I added that. Only that part remarking on mechanical properties was "not quite" right. There are some material alloys that increase the E by several times, but stuff I doubt any of us will ever see let alone use. I am just one of "those" picky people.

Tensile Modulus - Young's Modulus or Modulus of Elasticity - is a measure of stiffness of an elastic material. It is used to describe the elastic properties of objects like wires, rods or columns when they are stretched or compressed.
Tensile Modulus is defined as the "ratio of stress (force per unit area) along an axis to strain (ratio of deformation over initial length) along that axis"
It can be used to predict the elongation or compression of an object as long as the stress is less than the yield strength of the material.
Temperature is the greatest "changer of E.

Cr-MO Steel Cr ½%-2% E=29 @ 70 oF
Cr-MO Steel Cr 2 2 ¼-3% E=30.6 @ 70 oF
Cr-MO Steel Cr 5%-9% E=30.9 @ 70 oF

Paul (with apologies for whatever! LOL)
I used a bad example because 12L14 is essentially 1215 w/o lead.

Okay, I'm chuckling (with you), 12L14 has lead added for machinability, with many diffrent trade names attached. e.g. Leadalloy.

The problem with using Young's MoE in attempting to explain or compare different materials is that it is based on physical (molecular) properties, based on a ratio/proportional formula. The mechanical properties of steel change dramatically when alloyed. The yield strength of 1018 versus 4130 measured in a tensile test used to define mechanical properties isn't the same as the proportional test in Young's formula. If it were then we would only need one type of steel. -Russ