Anyone got any tips for cooling down the garage?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 3, 2017
My garage is like an oven. That's not an exaggeration. You can't stand in there without dripping sweat. It's got to be over a hundred degrees, and 80 percent humidity. Additionally, running a window unit is going to cause flash rust anytime I open the big door, which is at least once a week. So...what to do? Ceiling fans? Knock out a wall? Attic fans? There has to be a reasonable solution.
Fans and evaporative cooling do little to help with high humidity. I open the garage doors in the evening whenever temps and humidity come down, close the doors and work as late the next day as I can stand it. People who don't live in high humidity areas may not realize that 75 degrees F at 80% relative humidity is miserable.
I have a portable AC in my small shop, and also a drum fan for circulating the cool air ,it takes about 10-15 minutes to cool the shop down or should I say, to make the temperature in the shop more comfortable to work in , I could have bought a window AC which would have been more effective but it was way too noisy, these portable ACs are relatively quiet and not too expensive.
Move to Alaska? :grin:

A large fan is what I use, and just stop working if it gets too hot.
I put a dehumidifier in my shop, which is on 24/7. Put in a drain line outside so I don't have to empty it. It's set at 60% humidity. You'd be surprised how much difference that makes is apparent temperature as well as rust reduction. I run a window unit usually set at 78 or 80 degrees when I'm in there, not cold enough to really cause any problems with condensation if I open the place up.
I half expected someone to tell me to just wait a month and it won't be a problem anymore. Ha! It's about 90 degrees outside, with the setting sun in clear line of sight of my brick covered shop from about 4 until 8 pm.
I have a wall unit that I was going to mount in the garage . Plans changed . It's a 220 AC and heater unit like in the motels/hotels. Yard sale material. :encourage: