Building my last shop

31 days. How does it feel?
a little scary to be honest. It is sort of a one way decision. Been working since I was 15 and full time since I was 18. It is often said that you can't buy time but when it come to retirement your sort of can. I can buy more time with my family by giving up a few more years of salary. Land and house are paid for. Water is from Rainwater collection and 80% of electricity is from Solar so it should all work out. :calm:
Been working since I was 15 and full time since I was 18
I think many of our generation can say that.
I didn't pursue my dream job, so I've been working all these years for a paycheck.
Gosh, thinking back at my 1st. job. I was 15, started at 3:00 after school and got off at 10:00PM. I made $1.75 per hour to start. They soon had me up to $2.25. I came to work every day, didn't screw around and worked hard.
We are a dying breed Boswell.
It will be 50 years in February.
2 digit midgets ... congratulations!
I'm less than a year out.
The home we lost was on almost an acre with trees-shrubs all over the place. The neighbors all had one acre or larger lots.
We moved to suburbia.
It's a nice home, 20 years old. Very comfortable with a pool for the grand kids.
I have my shop all set up.
I must admit, being 5 minutes away from the store, hardware, Harbor freight!!
Is nice. Restaurants are close, those that will remain anyway.
I'm still close to stores and restaurants about two miles. We still have neighbors but there not 50' away, there more like 600 yards is the closest one.

I have lived in cities and had a good time but prefer small towns. I grew up in a small town called Westwood not far from where you live Jeff. In high school spent some time in the Paradise and Chico area running around with buddies.
They have the chance to hire me as a contractor . I would do it for the same $$$$ but being 62 years old , I want some time off .
Your still a little young for retirement
Hang in there buddy,
Even the last 30 days takes forever to get here, until it's done then 40 years doesn't seem as long as it did. 13-14 yo delivering the morning paper, deck hand on a charter boat, first minimum wage job was a buck, and a half at a dairy farm, at 16.
"When I was a boy". Just kidding. I've theoretically been retired since 02, but I still go to work on something pretty much 5-6 days a week, 6 to 8 hrs a day. I'm just not good at sitting still, and I like the whole concept of using the few brain cells I have to figure things out, and create something useful or interesting. I've been feeling better physically than I have in quite a few years. Climbing up and down scaffolding all day long, doing mud/tape, and painting, and I actually feel pretty good the next morning. I think the thing I like most about being retired is the casual hour and a half, or so mornings, my two cups of coffee, and a little reading, or computer time, with no deadlines to meet, or customers to worry about. Just head out the door and find something to do. I turn 70 in 10 days, and I like to imagine I'll just keep doing this until I can't. Congrats to all you out there retired, or about to be, have yourself a great time. Cheers, Mike

Mike, well said, it is all about wanting to, not having to. I cannot imagine sitting around. Can't do that on my days off. Yes, there is the occasional can't get away from the computer but that isn't all forums and YouTube. I track our finances, work on designs of things I want to build, learn about new technology, etc. But I much prefer to be busy.

As I said, I have 16 months left, June 30, 2022 is the date I have set. Not cast in stone but the goal. Between now and then, I have a lot to do and plan.


I have been working since the 5th grade, I don't count the lawn mowing business I had before then. But was stocking shelves, bagging groceries and burning trash at a local store until my dad and mom bought a small family grocery. Then they would pick me up after school and I worked until we went home. The thought of not having a paycheck coming in, regardless of my 401 and SS, scares the hell out of me. The market could wipe out my 401 without too much trouble, saw it happen to others in 2008. As for SS, well that is in the hands of people I wouldn't let manage my dad's grocery store.


Sorry for hijacking your thread. Hope you are busy installing your electrical system in your shop.

Everyone retiring:

Congratulations to all of you who will be retiring in the near future. I wish you all he happiness that it should bring.