Classic Products You Wish You Didn’t Remember

The GOOD cough syrup, had NyQuill beat by a mile.
I think you're wrong: That stuff had NyQuil beat by TWO miles. Oh, what I'd give for that good cough syrup again! The only way to get it now is with a prescription. Best substitute I've ever had was a potion made from bourbon, honey and lemon. I hate whiskey - especially bourbon - but when the coughing spell hits, I'd drink just about anything if I knew it would work.
How about the Kraft food commercials with the disgusting recipes that all seemed to contain Kraft MIniature Marshmallows, Miracle Whip and Velveeta.

velveeta....................great grilled cheese sandwiches, one of the few things, my mother could cook right, she came by her cooking skills honestly, my grandmother could not cook either.
velveeta....................great grilled cheese sandwiches, one of the few things, my mother could cook right, she came by her cooking skills honestly, my grandmother could not cook either.
You poor guy!!! My grandmother, mother and wife go down in the annals of MASTER cooks. Not 'chefs' but 'cooks'. And my wife happens to be a card-carrying Master Gardener. It's not uncommon for everything on the table at dinner time came from off the farm. Even the beef, when we used to raise it. But we stopped that a few years ago.

But, you can't beat a good Velveeta cheese sandwich!
Lawn darts anyone?
I was a early 80’s kid I remember some stuff you’d put on your fingers and pull them apart and it would smoke. Shrinks dinks and maybe the worst thing for kids was the play cigarettes that you’d blow in them and they’d simulate smoke with a powder. Times have changed!