Cleaned the shop today

"Between projects"? You mean you don't always have four or five going at once?

" Between projects " Who has time between projects ? I usually have at least 3 on the go.
Mine always seem to over lap or create another project that I didnt need to have on the list ... :makingdecision::whiteflag:

Yup, can have a couple of projects going at once, don't like it, but it happens. Sometimes it is just a matter of making the time. I find that keeping my shop neat, clean and organized makes me a lot happier. So, with that being said, the priority of organization is important to me and I take the time to do it. Actually, in the grand picture, it saves me lots of time not hunting for dirty or broken tools and parts. I know you guys were just yanking my chain.
I agree . it does not matter how many projects we have on the go or on the shelf as long as the shop is clean . I find it to be unsettling to walk into a messy shop.
Heck I even enjoy cleaning it just to be in there... my friends call me the "tinker king".
Nice shop Tom.
This week , simple and fast---- 10 yd dumpster gone -- stuff I been saving and cant find it , and always gotta buy new soo good buy
I agree . it does not matter how many projects we have on the go or on the shelf as long as the shop is clean . I find it to be unsettling to walk into a messy shop.
Heck I even enjoy cleaning it just to be in there... my friends call me the "tinker king".
Nice shop Tom.

Sometimes if it is a big project, I may do a pickup and a sweep just to get the clutter out of the way. I hate walking in chips and grinder dust.