Creating my space and organizing by fabricating


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
Hello all,
One of the challenges of a small space is it's small :)
Seriously, being efficient and methodical when deciding a place for everything and everything in it's place.
I'm making good progress. I am building another welding cart that will hold my tanks, the Miller AC/DC 220-mig, tig, stick and the plasma cutter. I am also planning on adding a tig cooler to it some day.
I am thinking I can make some sort of pull out shelf in the pic with the disconnect. I plan on moving the box up and out of the way, put two shelves with a pull out. This way I'll have my 8" bench grinder with the green wheel, 1 gray wheel, a wire wheel and a buffer all in this one spot. I just bought the 3/4 hp Grainger. It has a Chinese wheel but it's well balanced. I got lucky. That will be changed out with a Norton first thing. The Dewalt 8" will hold a gray wheel and the wire wheel
I was hoping to have all my grinding equipment in one spot but that may not work out.
I pick up the shaper, the Baldor tool room grinder and a surface plate next weekend. Need to find a spot for the shaper.
The Brown and Sharpe 618 Micromaster will be here in a couple weeks hopefully.
By Summers end I should have my new shop to my liking.IMG_0096.jpgIMG_0097.jpgIMG_0098.jpgIMG_0100.jpgIMG_2954.JPGIMG_2956.JPG
Hey Jeff . I have a few Norton wheels I no longer need , what sizes are you looking for ? I was going to put them on the bay soon but if you have the need for them ……... The shop looks great out there btw . :encourage:
Good job, Jeff!

Best thing about tools is using them to make other tools, organize those tools and making more tools. Truly, the hobbie that keeps on giving...
Good job Jeff. I'm jealous you have the time to prep before the big stuff arrives and can actually think ahead. When we moved here I just had to jam it all in and I'm still refining, organizing and adjusting.

Not until I worked for my FIL fabbing equipment did I ever work with the workstation idea. Even though he had enough room where he could have made the kind of setup that I'd always worked around where all the machines are lined up against the walls along with work benches, he went with work stations because he originally did everything on site. He had an old telephone truck bed he made into a trailer with his two work stations that could be pulled up inside them. Along with the welder etc. So all of that was just rolled into the shop and I go used to working all 4 sides of the station to access the machine I needed. I've taken that idea to my two car garage shop. The most time consuming part for me was drawers and I realized I just can't have enough drawers/storage. I've since discovered 3 drawer file cabinets from the "Make Something Cool" guy on YouTube. These are perfect for stations as they are well built and the file size drawer in the bottom is perfect for storing lathe chucks, welding helmets, etc. And the two letter drawers work great for tooling. Thanks to a fellow THM'er I found 2 for free!
8” with a 5/8” arbor on those Norton wheels.
Thanks for thinking of me.
I like the idea of going to a machine and it’s ready to use. that means outlets everywhere. I thought I had enough. Not even close.
Working on it.
Got some work done today.
I sure like my weekends at home.
Getting ready to hand crank a gallon of vanilla bean ice cream.
Finished the welding cart, I left room for the cooler when it shows up.
Started my grinder bench. I’m thinking a lower pull out shelf for the carbide grinder.FF2CAC78-46EB-4F1F-9B46-1D74288CC1A2.jpeg5BA09AF4-A846-44C6-9FF4-472F7ECB334D.jpeg695C0C86-D1CF-4E5A-9677-3197CDF91E16.jpeg95EADBB7-6C11-4872-BB06-2E6C4005BC86.jpeg
I’ll tell you one thing, those tanks are very heavy.
I think I’ll take the rest of the day off
I put those Nortons on the for sale thread with your name on them .