Don't Use Xmas Decorations In Your Project

6. No transmissions, carburetors, machine assemblies are allowed on the dining room, living room, or bedroom carpets.
....RJ you missed dish-washer!

....RJ you missed dish-washer!


Sorry about that. I never use the dishwasher, not even for dishes. I don't trust it. I don't even know how to start it. When I was in college, I worked in the student union washing dishes for 300 students. The dishes we ran through the commercial dishwasher would never come out clean. Since then, I have always washed dishes by hand. I just don't trust a system that never touches the object to be cleaned. It doesn't work with my vehicles and I have no reason to believe it works with dishes. I prefer to scrub all my parts by hand, thank you.

Now if dishwashers employed ultrasonic cleaning, that might be different.
Do not push your luck any more!!
If she senses that you already know a new dress will run into three figures, and that not be the end of it (the shoes and clutch, and maybe earrings!!), you may be OK in preserving some magic.
Also, on the day it happens, there will likely be a detour that will take all afternoon, into places guys do not go, (unless they happen to be into hairdressing and makeup).
Regardless all that, it will all be for nothing if you ever get around to clamping a vise onto the kitchen table!!
Be smart - don't do it!
OK, you scared me with the "detour". Enough said. Johnny is a good boy now.
I had a canvas cover for a Miller Bobcat. Had some white mold. Washed it in the washer. Not only did it shrink too small for the welder, it left some substance like blue crayon coating the washer. Had to be scraped off. I
We recently did a kitchen remodel, and the old electric oven was kicked to the shop. I built a platform for it in the shop ( It is of the 'built-in' variety); plugs right into a welder outlet. Is a bit bulky, but should be useful for tempering and warming parts for finishes and friction fits.

Back in my racing days, once bought an oven with defunct stove top off Craigslist for $40 to heat a quick-change diff case (pinion went in the freezer) to set said pinion shaft. Worked quite well, and saved some $, and more importantly, a week or so turn time, rather than shipping it all off to Winters for them to set up. At the time the cost was irrelevant - had a race to prep for. (Oh, what we do for a cheap $5 trophy, SMH) Always regretted $h!t-canning that stove afterwards, so when the remodel happened I knew exactly where that old oven was going to go! Kids can worry about it someday
House Rules (aka Rules to Live By)

1. Don't use kitchen table, counter, dining room table, etc. for assembly ever.
2. Don't use oven for drying paint, tempering parts, etc.
3. Remove shoes before walking into house after machining or welding
4. Don't wash greasy or oily hands in food prep sink.
5 Greasy/oily clothing doesn't go in the washing machine with the missus' delicates and unmentionables.
6. No transmissions, carburetors, machine assemblies are allowed on the dining room, living room, or bedroom carpets.
7. Washing parts in the bathtub is strictly forbidden.
8. In any dispute concerning these or otherwise unspoken rules, the missus is the final arbitrator.
Words to live by. This man has been around. Good advice.
We can add,
Don’t use cloth napkins for rags, no ball throwing in the house, Don’t run machine tools before the missus is awake :)