Dustproof Enclosure for Remote Hitachi SJ200 VFD Control Panel?

Be very careful opening up the keypad. On small display units the LCD is often connected with a ZEBRA connector rather than a ribbon cable and sometimes they can be a bugger to get reconnected properly.

My Take on VFD enclosures. 12x12x6 junction box and then a rain tight double gang box cover. Probably not exactly what you need but might off some ideas.
China-haters may not like this, but I checked, and not only low-budget Lapond VFD's cheaper than Hitachi; the parts are WAY cheaper and more easily found. Guess what a keypad costs? Under $16, and it's available from Amazon Prime. One wonders if it will work with my VFD. I would not be surprised. I sort of doubt the Chinese are knocking themselves out coming up with original keypad schematics for a commodity product.

I feel like ordering a keypad just to find out. At this price, they're virtually disposable. If it works, I'll store the original keypad somewhere and use the new one. If it blows the Hitachi up, I'll just buy a Lapond VFD and put Hitachi's prices and lack of support behind me.

My Hitachi and my TECO's are probably Chinese, too. It's probably not a choice between Chinese and non-Chinese. It's probably a choice between overpriced, poorly supported Chinese and reasonably priced, well-supported Chinese.

I don't care if a product was made on Mars as long as it works and doesn't make me miserable.
