Ever had one of those days??

I had one of those days last Friday. Two simple repair jobs that should have taken 1/2 day took ALL day and then some. All you can do is persevere and try to maintain a sense of humor over the ordeal. Getting annoyed only makes it worse...

I thought catching the downspout with the lawn tractor was a bad day
you don't want to get in the way of a dump truck in that mine.

or you'll look like >>>> ___________________
YEP ! your week was worse then mine !

Wermie you tell a story well, you almost made me feel sorry for yah !
I thought I was having a bad day until I read your post :::::
I don't feel so bad now, It ended up unscrewing after a 1/2 hr of trying ... very lucky : )
Warning boys *make sure you play with the tension setting of your tapping head on a test piece 1st !

TW, when I have "days like that".. I keep repeating to myself, "some days you're the bug... some days you're the windshield!" :roflmao:
Hello Terry,that's a great story and very well written with lots of anticipation of.... "good grief... what's next ?!!! ". Even though it would have been a very trying day, difficulties ( where no one gets hurt... errrmmm... humans, that is ) always make the best stories, like camping and the tent leaks all night, etc.

I think that we can all identify with your day at one time or another, but I don't think too many of us could quite match it... ;)

Thanks for the story... :)

I have to agree with you guys, we all have days like that once in a while, but I don't think I've ever had one quite that difficult. It does make one ask "Just how much stuff can go wrong in one day??" Evidently LOTS!!

But in retrospect, things could have been much worse, so I've said some prayers of thanks that things did not go worse than they did. We all have so much to be thankful for, we only need to realize it.
i was so impressed reading your story and making my first comment i forgot to ask. . .
what does the company do to those monster tires when they recycle them? cut them with the shear head and feed a chopper or ? ? ? ?

40 years ago my boss was working on a cyrogenic (sp) system for pulversing tires by freezing and dropping them from a great height. it sounded kind of like a good idea but it never got ery far off the ground (so to speak)

can you write a detail on how its done in Minneapolis / st. paul ?