Finally getting some warmer weather

Plus 5 Farenheit sounds better than minus 15 Centigrade, which is the current temperature here. :)
hey. after all the 20's and 30's, I'll take anything over 50
While you guys are welcoming the arrival of summer, we are saying goodbye to it and heading into winter. Not that our winter is anywhere near as severe as yours, typically 25c or 80f at the moment The climate where I live is fairly similar to LA but with less humidity. My shop would very rarely ever get below 15c 60f. I almost never see a frost, but then summer 40c or 104f can get a bit much, especially when it hits high 40's but hey that's what a beer is for. And I almost never have to worry about condensation. My heating costs for a short mild winter are low, but cooling in summmer is expensive Although we use evaporative coolers here, I think you guys call them swamp coolers, but they work well in hot dry areas like here.
It was good to see you Bill. Sorry if it was earlier than planned, but I made great time I guess. Got the atlas back on it's base and most everything put back the way it was. Kinda funny how many things made a home on that cabinet top while the mill was gone!

And thanks for the "goodies" too. You didn't need to do that, but I will appreciate them forever. Thank You!
It was the least I could do to show my appreciation for you lending me the Atlas. It got a couple things done for me before the cold weather hit.
Bill , I'm so glad your getting to work , sucks just being stuck inside ,, I know,,, . My HF mill drill is waiting too. I had the base done for mine before my disaster struck. I'm hoping a few more nerve blocks will end this tirade of constant pain. Thank god for morphine and oppiets . They cause problems but it beats using lead to get out of pain. With me it's a constant fight withdrawal symptoms trigger the time to medicate. But ill beat them easy compared to the stabbing spine .
Makes me feel good to read your getting out and doing the things we enjoy , hope to see your set up on here soon now the weather's breaking. Thank god .
Update: After two months on Oahu, arrived home in Washington state three days ago. Supposed to be spring, but Toes and fingers have been cold (and wet) ever since! Massive storm (960 MB low) arriving off the Pacific on Saturday. Apparently the same system that flooded us out in Honolulu last week.