Forums: How did I miss that

I don't know, if it something you are doing different than me or something in your operating system that is different than mine or even if your expectations are different than mine. Mine has always worked exactly as I expected it to work.
I don't know, if it something you are doing different than me or something in your operating system that is different than mine or even if your expectations are different than mine. Mine has always worked exactly as I expected it to work.
it has nothing to do with op system. it's all in the presentation from the web server.
XenForo is a pain in the a** in this sense. Recently I've spent less and a less time on forums running XenForo and more time on forums running Discourse.
Here is my 2 cents.

I found that the "New Post" button is far more accurate than the "What's New" button. And so, I never use the "What's New" button. And as Flyinfool posted, it is important to use the "Mark Forums Read" button at the end of a session.

As far as missing alerts and emails, you need to review your "Preferences" settings. One marked or unmarked setting can change things drastically.