Fun with zucchini


Feb 7, 2013
The garden is producing a lot of zucchini these days so having fun stuffing mail boxes and
littering door steps. P1020799.JPG
This is today's catch.

This will be breakfast today.:)
I will top the dish with cottage cheese and a bit of dill seed. MMMMM
I remember the first year we were on the coast having moved down from the North. We had never seen zucchini in gardens before but my mom was always up for new things. Not knowing any better she planted a few rows as if she were planting carrots or potatoes..... BIG mistake!
I am eating some with my potato’s (also from garden) & eggs. we have chickens also.
We celebrate National Sneak a Zucchini on your neighbors porch day August 8 by doing just ;D
When I was a kid my parents rented a house from an Italian family in a heavily Italian neighborhood, many had been POWs who decided to stay in the US after WW2. The house we were in was on a large lot with a good size area that had been set aside as a community garden. It seems weird today but in the early 1970s nobody seemed concerned about a small child being left alone in the yard with strange men and women coming and going to tend the garden. It wasn't unusual for me to be adopted as labor helping to plant and harvest. The rows of green beans were fun to hide in. I remember one old man who grafted an orange tree to a lemon tree, to a 5 year old that seemed like magic.

Anyway that experience gave me an appreciation for gardening and in particular a taste for zucchini and Italian green beans. I have never heard of the tradition of leaving zucchini in the neighbors mailboxes and cars before.
The best gardens are someone else's. I have been raiding my son's garden this year. The fresh vegetables are hard to beat. Will trade half a day weeding for vegetables any day. Had a good laugh the first year he planted about ten zucchini plants. All the work that goes into a garden makes one appreciate the fresh vegetables we all take for granted