Got A New Pm Mill Comming!


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Mar 20, 2014
Anyone who read the thread by 3dshooter titled "New PM727 mill", will remember me telling 3d that I was very interested in his thread because, I had been looking, and was planning on getting that very same mill as an "end of radiation gift" to myself. Well, last Monday was finally the end of the 9 weeks of daily treatments, and although the side affects will still be with me for quite some time, at least the 3 hr. per day trips are over !!! Now, to get myself that gift. Although 3d was good enough to answer all my 727M questions, I spoke to Matt a couple times last week, and was convinced that the 727 was the best choice for me to have a mill that would most likely do everything I need, while not sending me to the "poor house". I almost ordered it on Friday, but My incredable wife took me out for lunch and to a few stores, and by the time she got us home it was to late back east to call so she quickly suggested that I call first thing Monday morning. I forgot to mention that my wife was the one who originally started this whole "End of radiation gift" excuse to buy myself a mill. She also went with me to every treatment (I'm a lucky man, but not JUST because of my wife).

OK, I'm finally getting to the good part (hope you"re still with me). This past Saturday, My son came down from L.A., and his brother (they are twins, in there 40's), also came over to help me celebrate no more treatments. While talking they mentioned that it was a good thing that Mom kept me out on Friday, because if I had called Matt, he would have been really confused. You see my sons had already ordered my PM mill, as a combination getting through treatments gift, and early Christmas gift!! After a minute of being stunned and thinking to myself "wow, I must have been an OK dad", I hugged my boys, thanked them repedeatedly, and then asked if they new when my new 727 would ship. This was their answer, " Oh dad, we screwed up, we didn't get the 727. We got you the PM 932M-PDF, and also the milling package, hope that's OK ? All I could do was to hugg them again and say " I can live with that" !! I've got some really great kids, Don't I ? So, I spoke to Nicole @ PM on Monday, to give her all my information, and I got an E-mail today that it had shipped. It won't get here ( just outside San Diego) till end of next week, but that's fine, cause I have a lot to do to get ready, including building a base to raise it up some (I'm 6' 3"). Actually, It might have to sit in the crate for a while because, with the primary side affect of this radiation being fatigue, I will probably only be able to work in the shop a little bit each day. Hope this long winded tale was worth it for the surprise ending. I was surprised beyond belief! Thanks for reading, happy machining, JR49
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That's a great surprise!

I would have felt bad if you said you tried to order the 727 and some jerk in GA bought the last one
Congratulations and what great sons. FYI, the radiation knocks people down (fatigue) after treatment is completed, so don't feel bad if you have no energy for the next couple of months. Don't fight it, just eat well and slowly build your health and strength back.
Congrats on completing your treatment and the new mill. It was good to read how your son's surprised you with it.
Congratulations and YES, you have some great kids. You should be proud.

Congratulations on your new mill. Yes I would say you raised your sons well indeed!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
First off... Glad you are through with the radiation treatments... that stuff sucks!
And yes, you have GREAT kids and wife... not much more one could ask for!

On the mill... you will like it! QMT/PM makes good stuff... and Matt does an outstanding job of taking care of his customers.
Sure, a few things slip through the cracks... yet if it is mentioned... it gets taken care of.

Keep us posted... and we LOVE pictures!