How Did I Become One Of Those Old Guys?

P T Schram

Mar 31, 2015
It has only been since joining this site that I've bene forced to realize that I've become one of "Those guys".

I used to read the posts of older gents about things they'd done during their careers that was applicable to the topic at hand.

What I've realized is that I have finally become one of these old guys.

I suppose that between having attend an age where I've had many jobs, attended college or other educational institutions for a huge part of my life and having had a wide array of jobs, I have become one to "Those" old guys.

No, I have never played piano in a house of ill repute.

Thanks for letting me play in your sand box. Despite my love for cats, I'll keep them out of the sand box.
How Did I Become One Of Those Old Guys?

Perseverance, my friend, perseverance. Getting old ain't for sissies, but it beats the alternative. Welcome to the club.

OMG! You mean we're OLD GUYS!? Who would've thunk it.
Wait! Le'me see, gran'chirren, married to the same woman over 40 years, Changed careers a dozen times in my life, tell 'OLD DAYs' tales.
Gracious! I'm an OLD GUY!:disillusion::confusion::fatigue::eek:
Don't think of yourself as an "old guy". Think of yourself as one of the Old Ones.
I figure that as long as I'm on this side of the dirt, I'm good. I have all the old guy complaints - back hurts, reflexes have slowed, can't read without glasses, etc. - but every day I wake up I thank God and get on with it.
Yup, used to be "ten feet tall and bulletproof". Now 5'8 and shrinking, and all too mortal, but as said above it sure beats the alternative. Mike
I was teasing my Grandmother about getting old on her birthday and she told me "Getting old is a privilege denied to many" and she died a month later. She was only 65 and I thought that was really old but now I'm getting close and it doesn't look so bad. What bothers me most now is I'm older than the "old" guys that taught me a lot of my trade when I started working.
Well you did something right !!!! and that says a lot. congratulations, live looooooong and prosper my friend :congrats:

Married to the same woman for 40+years now that's Perseverance :devil:
We used to have three key old guys at work. We called them "The Counsel of Elders".

Now I'm older than they were. However, being retired I consider myself to be entitled to act like old guys did when I was young. That is, "If you don't like me and my behavior, you can kiss my ass".

Oh, and my 40th anniversary is next month. And I do NOT tell her to kiss my ass.