How do you keep parallels from moving around?


Jun 10, 2012
what method(s) do you guys like to keep parallels from moving around when under a piece being machined on a mill?
a tool room machinist gave me his parallels when he retired. they are 1/2" thick and stay put
I never had trouble with the parallels moving around while machining, it is the reseating process between parts that eats time.

I have tried::
a) grease
b) oil
c) WD-40
and d) rubber bands

None of these saves you from having to clean out the chips that can get under/behind the parallels.
The best I have found is keeping a clean rag within arms reach.
Dead blow and a quality vise. Kurt. That is if you are talking about moving while machining. If setting up too many ways to fix that issue. Take your favorite that works for you.

Cutting oil is my blood.