I Announced My Retirement Date

Cancer is awful, so sorry for your loss. Retire!
Really sorry to hear of your loss. I lost Anne to cancer some years ago, wasn't easy in any way.
Decided to pack it in shortly after, was going to quit, then thought, I'll get fired. Took me a year of making my bosses , boss look like an idiot, (which he was), he finally fired me to save face and I got severance.
Best of luck, you'll enjoy retirement.

Wow, that's horrible, sorry for your loss. That has been in the back of my mind for 15 years (and I'm 52 now.) I take some serious drugs for auto immune issues. My wife had 2 different kinds of cancer in 18 month. I don't want to work my whole life to only have a year or two of poor quality life to "live". I don't want to do it alone either. My wife has been been at my side for 30 years...couldn't imagine retirement w/o her.
I don't know about you, but I don't have uber grand plans for retirement. No traveling, no blowing money. Just me and my wife seeping in, working in the shop and taking it slow.
Do what you have to, but don't work you life away.
I am gonna be 62 in March. I got my 20 years in and was able to retire last October. On the day I retired, I was older than my Dad, his Dad, and 2 of my Uncles ever got to be. None of them were 'voluntarily' retired when they died.

Life is short.
You win if you get a little time off before you cash in your chips.

I am sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear about your wife. I too lost my wife to cancer over eleven years ago.......she was 46 and our son was in 6th grade. We were married for almost 20 years. If you are anything like me you will go through many different phases as time passes. I would advise not making any major decisions for awhile until your head clears some. I was a mental wreck after losing my wife and lost a bunch of weight. Luckily I had my son that kept me very busy caring for him. I wish you the very best......hang in there!!