I go next Tuesday to the retirement planner !

I'm not an expert at investing but at the same time, it is not very hard to "DIY". We DIY steam engines, rebuild lathes, make wood things, metal things, cnc things, do car repair, keep the farm running, etc. With a little reading, I found that DIY investing is easier than any of those. bogleheads.org was invaluable. A person could do worse than watching some youtube interviews with Jack Bogle (RIP), founder of Vanguard.


I've been DIYing it my whole investing life using the Boglehead mentality.

It ain't hard, and it's much more lucrative than letting a guy skim 1% off the top over the long term.
I am loosing money on BP right now. I am confident British Petroleum will be around 12 years from now and I am confident people will be putting a lot more gasoline in their gas tanks this year and future years than they did last year while the production of gasoline has gone down considerably during the pandemic.
Good luck! BP made me no money for the previous ten years. I think I gave up last year or the year before. They do kick off a dividend quarterly though.

This place is nuts. Come here for machining and before you know it you're learning all about hazardous chemicals, index fund investing, and how to TIG weld. How does anybody keep up?! Ha!
Hope all the numbers you see are to your liking ! From reading your threads/post here you seem to work a lot of OT . I worked with many guys/gals that worked a lot , most years they made 1 1/2 to 2+ more of their base salaries . When they would look at what their pensions would be some weren’t prepared to live on 20-30% of what they were used to . Me I never held positions that was able to work a lot maybe the best years made 20% over base so when it came to look at my retirement , a OK pension , SS + taking some $ from my 401k I could make my take home pay based on my base salary. Retired at 61 1/2 last Oct . So far so good !
Congratulations! I retired in May and loving it. Now all I need is to get caught up on a few more things and build a building and buy some machining tools.
Packed up half the tools out of my box tonight . The Civic will be dragging its bumper home in the morning ! :big grin:
Heading out the door....
Heading out the door....
I could be , we'll see . I'm clearing out my tools in which I feel the company should supply . Why use my end mills and such to do company work ? My Vidmar in here has tools from my last 3 jobs also . I found more missing things in the bottom drawers that I couldn't find at home . :grin: