I need some job advice please


Active User
Oct 6, 2012
The company that I work for may or may not be shutting down, but until the 27th of August nobody will know for sure. Until that time they are doing lay offs and cut backs. I'm a weldor there, and there is 46 of us employed as weldors in the plant. After the cutback there is only going to be 18 left. So I won't be welding, I will end up on the production side of the plant if I don't get layed off.

Now, if I stay working there, I'm going to have to take a 5 dollar an hour pay cut. Roughly 200 bucks a week, that's going to hurt. But I will still have a job, so that's a good thing. Also, 9 years ago I had 19,000 bucks tied up at Hobart Institute of Welding Tech. Also, if the plant stays running, I will have a chance to get back to welding, just don't have a clue when. It's a union plant, so I have to wait until my seniority will get me back there.

If you where in my boots, what would you do? Would you stay there and see what happens? Or would you start looking for another welding job? There are other jobs out there right now for weldors in my area with all of the natural gas drilling going on around here.

Another thing to think about is there is an old boss of mine that works at a machine shop. He told me to give him a call if I need a job. I'm going to call him, and see if I can pick up some hours there (and maybe learn a thing or two) to try and make up the money I will be losing.

I know this post has absolutely nothing to do with machining, I'm just looking for advice. I have honestly never been in this situation before.

Thank You,
I was down in Oklahoma last winter and they could not find enough certified welders to work at the refineries. Also up in ND they are looking for welders to work in the oil-fields. I met a young man from Ohio on an airplane going home for 2 weeks. He said he was a carpenter by trade, but when the bottom dropped out of home building in Ohio a few years ago, he drove his pick-up to ND and got a job as a laborer on a oil rig. Now he is a pipe rigger on top of the rig. He told me he made $24.00 p/h 12 hours on 12 hours off, overtime after 8, 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. He sias he has never made so much money in his life. He flies home on his 2 weeks off. He said it's rough being away from his family, but his wife says the money is nice. If the Keystone pipeline ever happens welders will be making some real big bucks. Good luck. Rich
Certified welders in Ct. often break $28.00/hr. A welder for the state lives across the street and his rate is $34.00/HR. As Richard said or eluded to maybe you should extend your search. It's got to be extra tough for you with your wedding is sight.

"Billy G"
Thanks guys. Yes it is tough with my wedding in sight. Starting out a marriage with a traveling job may not be good. Plus if a child is ever involved........

I did forget to mention I do have an ASME high pressure pipe cert. I have thought about going and buying a welding rig to go out on these gas wells/pipelines. But that means going in debt right now and that's probably not a great idea at the present moment in time. Nor do I know who to talk to about getting hired on. Although I could just go to a work sight and just ask. :thinking:

the best thing you can ever do for yourself and your family is to seek the best employment for your situation.
never listen to the voices who say that you can't accomplish something.
you are qualified to do a lot of work, take those strengths and turn them into cash.
Don't be afraid of moving forward when the fruit from the tree is gone.

My 2 cents is never accept less than what you deserve or desire, you'll live happier.
we can't control things beyond our power, but we can control how we act or what we do when it does happen.

good luck lmk what happens!!
The company that I work for may or may not be shutting down, but until the 27th of August nobody will know for sure. Until that time they are doing lay offs and cut backs. I'm a weldor there, and there is 46 of us employed as weldors in the plant. After the cutback there is only going to be 18 left. So I won't be welding, I will end up on the production side of the plant if I don't get layed off.

Now, if I stay working there, I'm going to have to take a 5 dollar an hour pay cut. Roughly 200 bucks a week, that's going to hurt. But I will still have a job, so that's a good thing. Also, 9 years ago I had 19,000 bucks tied up at Hobart Institute of Welding Tech. Also, if the plant stays running, I will have a chance to get back to welding, just don't have a clue when. It's a union plant, so I have to wait until my seniority will get me back there.

If you where in my boots, what would you do? Would you stay there and see what happens? Or would you start looking for another welding job? There are other jobs out there right now for weldors in my area with all of the natural gas drilling going on around here.

Another thing to think about is there is an old boss of mine that works at a machine shop. He told me to give him a call if I need a job. I'm going to call him, and see if I can pick up some hours there (and maybe learn a thing or two) to try and make up the money I will be losing.

I know this post has absolutely nothing to do with machining, I'm just looking for advice. I have honestly never been in this situation before.

Thank You,

If you want to travel. Jeff Boat in Jeffersonville, Indiana, will be adding a new shift. Also they are building two new bridges in Clark County, Indiana. Good Luck
If I were still working (I'm retired now) and the company I worked for put out a notice like that, I would have my resume out all over town that night.

You certainly don't want to have to work 2 jobs just to stay even. Most people worked 2 jobs to get ahead so they can buy a house.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do, but I certainly wouldn't look to fondly on a $5.00 per hour pay cut.

Good luck,

Thanks guys. I am working on my resume as we speak. Its been a while since I had too. But yes, Im not looking fondly at a 5 dollar an hour pay cut. Plus it seem dang near stupid, to pay money for the education I have, and not use it. But I also understand, I have to do what I have to do to provide for my family. And I just bought my house last year. The fiance and I have a lot to discuss.

Ya know it is kinda funny what a women does to you. A couple of years ago, I would of packed up and been gone lol.

Thank you all for the words of wisdom and the advice!

I agree with what Steve said. Start looking now. Polish up the resume and get it out on the street as quick as possible. Except for some contract work once in a while I am mostly retired. Nothing good ever came to me, my wife or anyone else I know when an employer cut salaries. Don't quit until you find another job but don't feel obligated to hang around just because they haven't let you go yet.

Leave Her Johnny (sea chantey) (one of many versions)

Oh, times are bad and wages are low,
Leave her, Johnny, leave her!
I dare say it's time for us to go,
It's time for us to leave her!

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I would stay, stick around with the existing job while you can, but start looking for something more stable _now_. I would talk to your buddy too, if he has a steady stream of work, great. If it's just every once in a while, then it may take the pressure off. In any case, keep your eyes out for something that you can sink your teeth into. Once you are out of the game, it's amazing how quickly you forget things.