I need some job advice please

Again thank you all for the sound advice. The fiancé and I had a disscuison last night. If I do indeed loose my job, she doesn't want me traveling or going into the coal mines. I then asked what else am I supposed to do. Those about the only two options of making decent money. But I told her I'm going to have to do what I have to do to make ends meet. Whether that means traveling or going under ground.

On the union aspect of this. My pension is done, they are setting up a company matching 401k, and with that the pensions/early retirement are gone. It's USW.

And on the other weldors that will be looking for work. Most of them came out of production and a lot just know what they have learned in the plant. Out of the 46 weldors there, only 13 of us were able to pass the certification test.

Thanks again for the words of wisdom and advice.

In a way, the 401k could be better, because you can take it with you wherever you go (unless they are real jerks, and hold onto the matching portion unless you retire with them). I wish you well. I have been through similar times. My girlfriend and I both worked for the same place (a small consulting firm that did electronics and software development) when we were in college. We were about to graduate, and they offered to take us on full time, full benefits, more pay. Great right? Two weeks before we graduated they lost their last contract. They called everybody into a meeting and told us to go home; no more work. They would call if they got anything else. Talk about bad timing. My girlfriend managed to get a job at a company where she interned with. We moved in with my parents for a few months, and I did some temp work wherever I could find it. It was rough, but we made it through, and we are doing quite well now (that was more than 10 years ago now...).

There is always light at the end of the tunnel. I would also say; if you do end up getting layed off, and haven't lined up another gig, don't delay in filing for unemployment. When this happened to me, I felt embarrassed, and waited to file. I don't feel that way anymore, I pay into unemployment every week, as do most of us so that it's there when you need it. It's not a lot, but it can help keep you afloat and take some of the pressure off.
Here is an update. I'm still welding. And I'm going back to my shift next week. I got back by the skin of my teeth lol. But I will know more for sure around the 27th. Thank you all for the encouragement and advice!!

Chris--glad you stayed and your situation is better---It is always best to stay close to your wifes and your families---you get a lot of moral support from them--also you don't have to sell your new home and have the expenses of a move or two. usually people who run whenever the problems arrise, will do it time after time. ---
keep getting your home shop better equipted so you can use it to bring in extra income when needed---

Dave :phew:
If you don't mind going out of country for a contract welding job. Theres lots of work in Newfoundland Canada.I know it's a stretch but I thought I'd mention it.
The company that I work for is building a multi billion dollar smelter complex. They can't find enough HP welders or certified stainless steel welders. They recently brought in several welders from Ireland. Starting pay from what I understand is around $45:00/hr plus $10:00/hr bonus free room and board.
Also in Alberta Canada theres a great demand for welders in the oil fields, not sure what the pay is.
I know of your plant. I have hauled out of there when I as still working. It now looks like half the plant is idle. I was surprised to see cars in the parking lot. As an outsider looking in, it doesn't look good. Most of the steel mills I hauled out of in Pittsburgh, Weirton, Steubenville, Mingo Junction, Yorkville, Martins Ferry, Wheeling and etc, are either closed or just skeletons of what they were. Your aluminum plant and the old Kaiser plant down the river are following the decline of the steel plants. It is sad to see. Whatever you decide to do, expect things to get worse. It is the trend for our area. I suggest you spend some money on gasoline and drive up the river and down. Look at these plants for yourself and from the backside where you can. Talk to people in the area when you can. It's not just the plant you are in. All the heavy industries that so many men counted on for jobs are going away. It's a widespread problem up and down the Ohio River. jrh
Thanks guys! Canada ehh?? :thinking: Diesel driver, I know, I am originally from Mingo lol. My grandpa retired out of Wheeling Pitt, and the other retired from Weirton steel. Which none are there any more. From what I heard today, there will be another lay off in a couple of weeks. Depending on the meeting on the 27th. Heck they may even pull the plug.

Wells boys and girls, the plant got saved. And as part of the deal they got, they have to keep at least 650 people employed. Here is a link to video about it. Its about the first 5 minutes of it. http://www.puco.ohio.gov/apps/webcast/viewer.cfm?recordID=255 I especially liked the part when the guy said he doesnt like the management of the place :roflmao:

Guys seriously thank you all for your help and advice!!!

I jumped the gun. They just announced next Friday that the 3-11shift is the last one in the plant
