I'm Happy. Mom is receiving Hospice care


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
I never thought I'd be happy about it, but she can go home now, to assisted living with her stuff, her bed, her memories.
She has been on a downward journey for several weeks now.
You all have been great. We all go through this time in our lives.
After reading, 'Is it time to consider Hospice Care?"
All 8 questions were answered with yes.
Her Hospitalist was very gracious and agreed, the best path for your mother would be Hospice care over skilled nursing.
What a relief!
Jeff, I hope the best for your mom and you and your family.
Will keep your family in my thoughts as you go through this transition.
My family had Hospice come in when my grandmother was dying from lung cancer. It was a huge help for my grandfather who was doing everything he could to care for her.
It is incredible what help they can provide with just a phone call and ask for nothing in return.
Sorry to here about your Mother and we had Hospice the last month my Mother was a live what a saving grace they were it gave us time to spend with her every waking moment was spent on her well being when we finally got he down with us I fix up the spare bedroom just like hers at home to make it as comfortable as we could ,I felt blessed to be able to be there for her after all the love she gave me growing up.God bless your Mother and your Family.
The journey you are embarking on, will be some of the worst of your life, while you are going down the road. But when it is over, you will be glad you chose the hospice route. We will keep you and your family in our prayers, while you go through this ( and after). Thankyou for not just dropping her off somewhere, and not looking back, I have seen that way too much in my prior life.
You will be happy to remember that you did your best for her when the time comes, and you will have no regrets.
Hope it goes as well as such things go, Jeff. Went through this same thing with my Mom a few years back. The Hospice folks we had, were fantastic people.
