It's Snowing!


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 20, 2018
It's May already, California should be heating up and drying out! So far, there have only been a couple of days when I didn't have to keep the fire going 'round the clock. I've used more firewood this year than in any of the preceeding 15. I had hoped that increasing ocean temps might result in more rainfall for us, but we're still well behind the averages and somewhere between extreme and exceptional drought. If we're lucky, maybe it will continue like this, keeping the fire danger low. The farmers won't be happy, but when are they?

We would all like a slow fire season. Last time I was in Burney was for a couple weeks working on the Fountain fire. Lots of rice acreage not being planted because of the lack of water. What my crop advisor told me was only about two thousand acres out of twenty thousand in the Sutter Basin were being planted.
Keeping my fingers crossed for more rain. It's still cool up north but not much rain. I'm ok with the cool weather though.
We had a nice soaking rain last night, and getting a little now. Been a better winter, and spring than last year precipitation wise. Supposed to be partly cloudy and no rain for the next two weeks. Hoping for a little less smoke this summer. Mike
Snow is a good way to get water. Generally the slow melt is better than a heavy rain. Less chance of mud slides, major run off (that ground has to be real hard). I hope you get the water you guys need over a few weeks of slow steady rain on and off. Just enough without causing new issues.
Snow is a good way to get water. Generally the slow melt is better than a heavy rain. Less chance of mud slides, major run off (that ground has to be real hard). I hope you get the water you guys need over a few weeks of slow steady rain on and off. Just enough without causing new issues.
This is why the snowpack in the Sierra is so essential. Otherwise it all comes down in the all-too-short wet season. That's what happened in 1862.

I keep telling everyone who will listen that we could permanently solve California's water problems by damming the Carquinez Strait.
It's May already, California should be heating up and drying out! So far, there have only been a couple of days when I didn't have to keep the fire going 'round the clock. I've used more firewood this year than in any of the preceeding 15. I had hoped that increasing ocean temps might result in more rainfall for us, but we're still well behind the averages and somewhere between extreme and exceptional drought. If we're lucky, maybe it will continue like this, keeping the fire danger low. The farmers won't be happy, but when are they?

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Lucky you, Back in March I did everything I could think of to coax one more snow storm. I took the snow brush out of the truck, I put away the snow shovels, I summerized and put away the snow blower, and I packed away my winter coats and boots. But it did not help.
