Just got hit with a 4.8 earthquake.

Speaking of funnel clouds.... I have a theory that tornados are attracted to Aluminum siding. What else explains the devasted mobile home parks across the country.
We almost NEVER have tornadoes or waterspouts in CA. (Dust devils are as big as they get). Many years ago a water spout was seen off the coast in San Diego County. It came ashore smack dab into a mobile home park. What are the odds?
I used to have an office in Jersey City right on the water, on the other side the Statue of Liberty, I was on floor 14 (really 13)... and one day a large water spout was on the water not far from the Statue. It was impressive in person. Especially since I used to fly Sailplanes and then model sailplanes... thermals , dust devils, tornadoes,water spouts, are all similar. My wife had a book on meteorology from college. I read a section about a Brazilian (if I remember correctly) airforce pilot, who took one of the Sailplanes out, and hit an updraft that was so powerful he was unable to fly out of it.. it had an enormous rate of climb... he passed out from lack of oxygen, and the plane finally hit the top of the lift, he lost part of the wing in a steep dive, and finally awoke to crash land (safely) the plane. I just pulled the book and am looking for it. I may give up... If I find it, I have to put a tag on this, as I have told this multiple times before.
That's the biggest we've had here. The last one which was 2 miles away sounded like a semi rolling over.. This one shook pretty good for NJ.
Gotta go check things, as things were shaking pretty good.
How must did you feel the earthquake?

mostly the rumbling, and resonance from the walls vibrating, the floor felt like thunder was close by so like a big kettle drum vibrating, lots of window vibration so you felt the higher speed vibration from that. There was no rolling or throwing of the ground. All in all light compared to what I have seen in CA on the news. I think the sound was more pronounced..It felt like thunder close by, but it just kept going and going, and going.
I'm about 75 miles from the epicenter, upstate New York. For the first few seconds I thought the dog was scratching himself while leaning against the table I was sitting at but then realized the dog was outside and the whole house was shaking. My wife came running out of her office saying earthquake, she's a California gal and knew right away. No damage but it was distinct.
yep, I sat down for lunch turned on the news and within one minute turned it off. The idiot actually said that. It was a woman questioning someone on the other end of the line, and I'm like really, you are going to go to every house. The epicenter was rural, and suburban in town.. regardless, someone with a brain would realize what a daunting task that is... and for a 4.8 which was really mild in terms of an earthquake.
‍ Just when you think they can’t sink any lower lol.
4.8??? Ha
We get those before breakfast!
Call me when you see 6.9 or better
Mike, let them enjoy their little 4.8
The big rip is what I'm concerned about.
That's the full rip off the coast of California, Oregon and Washington. The Cascadia. It could go as high as 9.2.
Not to mention the tsunami that would follow.
Seattle to Tokyo is 4,700 miles. Imagine a 100 foot wave traveling 4,700 miles with no warning.
The video is an eye opener. Especially for those of us on the West coast.

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Mike, let them enjoy their little 4.8
The big rip is what I'm concerned about.
That's the full rip off the coast of California, Oregon and Washington. The Cascadia. It could go as high as 9.2.
Not to mention the tsunami that would follow.
Seattle to Tokyo is 4,700 miles. Imagine a 100 foot wave traveling 4,700 miles with no warning.
The video is an eye opener. Especially for those of us on the West coast.

I saw a show on one of the nature channels several years ago that thinks there was an earthquake way in the past that sent a 1,000 foot tsunami from Alaska to Australia. I may have some of the details wrong, but from what I remember, they found rocks at an elevation of about 1,000 ft in Australia that could only be found in Hawaii. Their theory is a quake caused the massive tsunami that collected debris along the way and deposited it in Australia. That is something I hope we never repeat!
I see New Jersey just had another 4.0 earthquake

Who felt it??
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I saw a show on one of the nature channels several years ago that thinks there was an earthquake way in the past that sent a 1,000 foot tsunami from Alaska to Australia. I may have some of the details wrong, but from what I remember, they found rocks at an elevation of about 1,000 ft in Australia that could only be found in Hawaii. Their theory is a quake caused the massive tsunami that collected debris along the way and deposited it in Australia. That is something I hope we never repeat!
After watching the video I posted here and thinking about the tsunami, in 2004, I believe. Killing over 230,000 people.
Such a tragedy, to think this Cascadia quake is predicted to wipe out Seattle and Portland and making everything west of Highway 5 rubble.
They are saying it's going to happen. It's not a question of if, it's when.
If I lived in that region I would consider moving.