Low cost insulin for diabetics

The insulin pump is a definite game changer, I've known several people who use this technology to live their lives almost like diabetes isn't the life threatening disease they've known all their lives.

There is a whole new generation of pumps out there with continuous glucose monitors. Medtroic had one of the first. Tandem has come out with an even better one. The units give feedback every few minutes where your blood sugar is. Alarms for high and low. Allows adjusting of insulin rate based on current blood sugar value. This has been a real game changer for quality of life for those with type 1 diabetes.

Now cost of diabetes is a whole 'nuther matter. When Obama care happened , it all but bankrupted us as we are self employed. its not just the insulin, pumps are $8K, supplies for it are out of this world. Just paying the deductable and other out of pocket cost plus insurance was over $20K a year for one person. AND that's if nothing else went wrong.

Now we have graduated to medicare and costs are not bad at all.
A friend of mine (too many years ago to want to remember) had T1 and would sit at his desk staring at a chocolate bar.
Eventually he would succumb and dial up a dose of insulin and eat the whole chocolate bar.
I wasnt diabetic in those days so used to laugh along with everyone else. He died from complications before his 40th
If I knew then what I know now I may have tried to stop him.
My son is 10 years into being type 1 and handles it with zero issues. It is a maintenance issue only if you're diligent. Of course an expensive pump, cgm and his helicopter mom helps keep it easier for him.
That is great to hear. it is a disease that never gives up, it ever so slowly continues to get worse. if he is diligent, he can slow down the progression.
Why am I not surprised the creed of greed is alive and thriving.
An interesting article from Mayo Clinic on the cost of insulin.
I read that entire article. Almost all of which I've seen before. I'm now on medicare so my out of pocket costs have gone down greatly. One time while I was traveling my vial if insulin got broken. My insurance coverage would not cover it so my out of pocket cost for the vial was the outrageous "list" price, almost $300. If I had been in Spain the cost would have been $8. Congress/politicians could easily fix the pricing issue by following the European examples. Just why do you suppose they don't. A clue $$$$$. They are all corrupt as hell.
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Same thing happened to us, only 25+ years ago. Stopped at a local mom and pop drugstore in small town IA. The lady got right on the phone and got an approval. Service like you do not see today. Remember this was before everything was internet connected. Cost was like $20. SAME VIAL TODAY - $350.
I'm diabetic and I buy my insulin at WALMART Pharmacy for $25.00 for a 100 unit/ml glass vial. The price for long acting and short is the same. It is amazing you do not need a prescription to buy it either. I stopped buying Part D insurance as the insulin and generic meds I get are cheaper then the non generic. With my Co-Pay with insurance I paid $500.00 for 30 pens and when the doughnut hole kicked in I had to pay $1400.00 for insulin. I now pay approx 100.00 a month for the long lasting a 50.00 a month for the fast acting. It seems to work better too...less hot flashes...lol
I maybe should not have started posting to this thread because I am SO ANGRY about being ripped off for years now. I feel that "they' have ripped us off to the tune of $100K over the last several years. We have no choice - either die young or pay through the nose.

Those that have had type one for decades are dependent on insulin pumps. The needle will work fine for a long time. It finally got to where milady had to test blood sugar and do an injection nine times a day and had extreme trouble all night long. this is where the pump excels as it gives small doses 24 hours a day. Now the designers of pumps make sure it will only work with their brand of insulin. No reason for this.

For those not familiar please know that diabetes is not one size fits all. There are two major categories - type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is FAR more severe. Within type 1 there are many levels of how much you are affected and how many complications.