More of the white death on its way .


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2016
Nothing yet , but it is closing in on us . Dropped 10 degrees since 5 o'clock . 6" possible tonight . Just in time for me to head into work at midnight , most likely to an empty building ! :) Looks like back to back to back storms this week so they say . :encourage:
Is that our other pineapple :) express?
Yes it is . And it has arrived here in Fallston . Snow is coming down pretty hard now . Not looking forward to driving into work later on . :cautious:
I think we are supposed to get a wintery mix also.
@Aukai the first January I lived in Victoria it rained for a solid month. Every day. Rain. Only 8 hours of sun in 31 days. I thought I made a huge mistake moving here. That was the first time I heard the expression "Pineapple Express"
I used to call my Grandmother every weekend when she lived in Virginia. Whenever we had a cold front come through here, she had it several days later, close to a week as I remember..
David, I have been through 2 of those here, front after front, nose to tail. IIRC 45 days of rain was back in the 70s, and 47 days in the late 90s I think.....
In 1974-75, I took a motorcycle road test in Salt Lake City on December 26th. There was 8 inches on the ground and more on the way. I've seen enough cold and snow to last the rest of my life, what there is of it. (I'm 70 now) In the end, I settled in the deep south (Birmingham) because it so rarely snows here. BTW, it's 65F as I write this at 7:45PM.
