My 70 Nova project (Formerly looking at this mustang)

holy $hitballs alloy, that's terrible. Sorry to hear that! Sounds like you have a path to recovery, however hard it might be. Fingers'n'toes crossed for you.

Still, on the plus side I'm sure you can CAD model with your left hand and get someone to load the Fadal for you :) Then you can can start carving an IRS out of solid billet!
Happy to see you on here again Dan, sounds like things are looking up. Hang in there, you'll be making chips before long.
Keep on pushing!
Desire is a heck of a motivator! All best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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Sorry to hear this news, keep pushing forward as best you can. "Stuff" may take a little longer, be harder to accomplish - but you'll get there in the end I am certain.
Thanks. Today I spent 3 hours in my shop. Set up my CNC and ran it for a few hours. Was nice to get my hands on a machine again.

When this first happened I pretty much couldn't use my right hand and right leg. Now I'm walking using a cane for safety, but not using it much. I look like I'm drunk trying to get around. At first even getting my right hand to my mouth with a fork was a challenge. Now I've got most of my hand back, there are a few minor things I struggle with still. They said my brain is building new pathways to control my hand and leg. I've also lost a lot of my taste. Stuff that I liked to eat now tastes like crap.

For now I need to build up my stamina. I'm used to working 60 plus hours a week with my job and business, but they explained to me I'm having to think about every step I take. It's not automatic like before. They called it brain fatigue. It sure kicks my butt even after just a few hours in the shop.
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That is great to hear. Making great progress from where you were a few weeks ago.
I'm pleased to hear of your excellent progress in such a short time.
Hang in there Dan (I know you will).
Best wishes for maximum recovery.
Wow stroke is no joking matter, listen to the doctors and don't rush to get on your feet, the human body needs to be ready for it. Best wishes Goce.
good stuff alloy, the brain is a marvelous flexible thing. I've known several people who have had a similar 1-side stroke and recovered to the point where you can barely tell. Usually when they smile one side is ever so slightly different than the other. Seriously hard work, but sounds like that's no stranger to you.

Plus you have this project waiting for you when you're ready!
Well almost time to go back to work. I've not gotten any better but my short tern disability is running out next week.

So I contacted my employer and my boss (don't like him) but he's a sharp cookie none the less came up with a work at home plan for me.

Since I have a 4 axis vertical machining center here I'm going to run their parts from home. I bought the machine from my work when they upgraded to the Okuma's. We have the programs for the Fadal's and to run anything on the Okuma the part has to be reprogrammed. They bought this conversion program thats supposed to convert the old programs for the new machines, but it sucks.

My bosses take on this is I can still remain an employee for my heath benefits and this adds another spindle to what is available to them. It also saves me 100 miles per day of driving. Yesterday they sent me home with the materals and tooling to use. I'll just send the completed parts to them by UPS.

I'm not sure how this will work out but I never dreamed they would come up with this. He's not sure how long he will have parts for me to run like this, but down the road I can just take parts home when he has them for me.

Now I hope the Fadal holds up for me.