Resolved My Smileys have stopped?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
May 27, 2016
Given that nobody else has mentioned it, I came to think that the reason I can no longer insert smileys may have been some shortcoming in my own browser setup. Now I have tried it out with two FireFox derived Browsers, and the Chromium-based "Brave" browser. The other tools in the bar, like bold, and italic, and Insert Image, etc. all seem to work OK. The fact that this happens despite using totally different browsers makes my think it might not a problem at my end.

I have never been able to insert "laughing guy" when clicking on "Like", but I thought that was just about learning how. Clicking on "Smiley" insert always did work, until recently. If you folk are able to make it happen OK, it would be nice to know.
:) Hit the three dots by the insert picture button and click on the smiley face
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I was going to write this up this morning, but noticed it was back next to the insert picture icon.
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Server and software upgrades. Thanks for everybody's patience. Is this resolved?
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Thanks to all you folk for the diagnostic. Clearly there is nothing wrong with the mechanism of inserting smileys.
Now I have to go on the quest to find out why my browser(s) are censoring smileys.
Maybe there is a javascript on a blacklist or something.
I am trying it out right now. Smiley is unresponsive.
The three little dots for "More options" in the toolbar are not by "Insert image", but to the right of all the toolbar icons.
When I try it, I am offered..

1) Insert horizontal line
2) Insert video (which normally should be out on the toolbar).
3) Spoiler
4) </> Code
5) Gallery embed
6) Insert Google map

No sign at all of laughing guy? Clearly something is screwed up. What I don't get is that same screw-up happens in other browsers.
We have enough responses to know this issue does not deserve a ticket
This thing only "not resolved" for my case. @vtcnc should mark as "resolved". A non-issue for everybody else.
I will figure it out eventually
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