Need A Little Help Here?


Chief Tinkerer
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Mar 21, 2013
So when I got my machines back, I found this in a box full of stuff. Made by SPI, they are triangular shaped. I was wondering what they are, and if they are used with the SPI blocks to the left of them? TIA.

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So when I got my machines back, I found this in a box full of stuff. Made by SPI, they are triangular shaped. I was wondering what they are, and if they are used with the SPI blocks to the left of them? TIA.
really? without pics and triangular???? you think we can figure that out from that? Come on, give us a little more..
Maybe they are 30,60, 90 triangles... you see how hard it is and how far off with the little info?

I see so many of these (not just you) where someone gives us nothing and expects an answer.
A little frustrating on our part (at least mine) to see a tell me what this is without a full description, and no pic. :einstein:
It didn't happen without pics (as usual ) :grin:
Like this?

That's my WAG without more info....
Well that doesn't tell me much (usage, etc.), but thanks for the reply.
I've been trying to find them, but having a problem. They hold small parts. Or even small boring bars..