New project, I'm in over my head.....

I've been working on the lift mechanism, first attempt failed, the linear actuator I got was to small, it could lift the motor but couldn't hold it. I ordered a new one that is a lot stronger and unfortunately a lot bigger also. Couldn't find anything just a little bit bigger...
This is the first one mocked up.


This is the one that can hold it up.

2018-08-30 09.22.09.jpg

I made a couple shoulder bolts to mount it.

this second one has a step for the adjustment slot on the lift arm.

The whole mechanism together.

I still need to make a list and get all the proper stainless hardware.

and videos of it working.

Now for some more glass work, I need to add several layers to the area the linear actuator bracket will mount, I'm going to use flat head screws from inside the cast so I need it thick enough to countersink the heads so they don't scratch the boat, then it will be screwed on with a wet layer of glass for a perfect fit...
It's off to my brothers shop to get the controls finalized. Here are a couple quick videos of it steering and running slow.


Slow speed

That should be slow enough. I need to work on the servo saver, it's preventing it from getting to a full 90 degrees one way. I want to get a full 180 degrees of swing so it can pivot the Kayak in place.
Thanks guys, this has been a really fun project so far and has really stretched my machining abilities and my thought process for incorporating the machining with the rest of the fabrication world.
Awesome build! Congratulations on the progress thus far. Considering the few bumps you ran into, did you have all this designed before machining or did your approach involve more of a successive path? I often approach small projects successively however this seems to be more complicated. Thank you for posting and great job being wonderful sons and brothers to each other.
Thanks, I follow the successive approach, I designed the motor housing without any thought for how I was going to attach it to the Kayak, then worked up from there. In the early days we were even talking about cable controls for steering but the cable routing just got real messy which brought in the servo, then a joke about needing power trim brought forth the linear actuator for lift. I'm not sure if it was the successive approach or the snowball out of control down the hill approach.. LOL

My brother has the software side about 90% done so were moving on to the packaging of the controls, looking like a industrial type of joystick is where it's headed now.
Lol, seems like you guys are at the top of the hill by the looks of the project. Again great job guys. Im happy you chose the electrical route instead of cabling since it may have gotten a bit hairy the way im thinking of it. The joystick control sounds like a good option since it will allow the movement you need to steer. Pergaps you can check out arduino controllers. They have loads of options including joysticks. Just a suggestion.
Arduino was a front runner until Gary found the motor controller he's using now, from what he's said it has more computing power than the Arduino does, it's even controlling the steering servo. Hopefully he'll chime in here, he can explain it much better than I can.